2020-2021 Dependent
V1 Standard Verification Worksheet
Your FAFSA application has been selected for a process called verification. Please complete all parts of this worksheet and return to the Financial Aid
Office. Notice: incomplete forms may delay processing.
B. Household Information – List the members in your parents’ household. Attach an additional sheet if necessary.
Please include: yourself, even if you don’t live with your parents, your parents/step-parent (if your parent is remarried you must include your step-
parent), your parents’ other children (even if they do not live with your parents), siblings, and individuals who will receive more than half of their
support from your parents between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.
Enrolled in College
at least half-time
(check one)
Louisiana College
C. Tell us about your 2018 tax filing status –
Student’s Filing Status (select only one)
• I filed my 2018 return and successfully used the IRS Data
Retrieval Tool via the FAFSA. Tax transcript not required.
• I filed my 2018 return and chose not to or, I am unable to use
the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. Submit your 2018 IRS Tax
Return Transcript or copies of 2018 IRS 1040 Tax Return.
• I amended my taxes after originally filing my 2017 return and
will submit:
o 2018 IRS Tax Return Transcript
o 2018 Signed IRS 1040X form
• I did not and I am not required to file a federal tax return. I
was not employed and earned no income from work in 2018.
Submit 2018 IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter*
• I did not and I am not required to file a federal tax return. In
2018, I earned $__________ from the source(s) listed below:
Submit 2018 IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter*
2018 Earned
Attach all W-2s issued to you in 2018
*IRS Verification of Non-Filing Letters can be requested by checking box 7 and
8 (if no W-2s provided) on IRS Form 4506-T. Notice: 2017 IRS Verification of
Non-Filing Letters must be dated on or after October 1, 2018.
Parent(s) Filing Status (select only one)
• My parent(s) filed their 2018 return and successfully used
the IRS Data Retrieval Tool via the FAFSA. Tax transcript
not required.
• My parent(s) filed their 2018 tax return and chose not to or,
were not able to use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool. Submit
parent’s 2018 IRS Tax Return Transcript or Return.
• My parent(s) amended their taxes after originally filing their
return and will submit:
o 2018 IRS Tax Return Transcript
o 2018 Signed IRS 1040X form
• My parent(s) did not and is/are not required to file a federal
tax return. My parent(s) were not employed and earned no
income from work in 2018. Submit 2018 IRS Verification of
Non-filing Letter*
• My parent(s) did not and is/are not required to file a federal
tax return. In 2018, my parent(s) earned $___________
from the source(s) listed below: Submit 2018 IRS Verification of
Non-filing Letter*
2018 Earned
Attach all W-2s issued to your parent(s) in 2018
D. Certification and Signatures – Each person signing this worksheet certifies that all of the information reported on it is complete
and correct. The student and one parent whose information was reported on the FAFSA must sign and date. Warning! If you
purposely give false or misleading information you may be fined, sentenced to jail, or both.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
This worksheet must be signed and dated to be valid. Electronic and/or digital signatures are not valid.
Louisiana College – Financial Aid Office – 1140 College Dr Box 582 Pineville, La. 71359
Phone (318) 487-7386 – Fax (318) 487-7449 – Email: financial_aid@lacollege.edu
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________
LC ID: ________________________