2020-2021 COA
Student Name: _________________________________________________ Student ID: _________________________
A Professional Judgement appeal may be submitted for consideration for Cost of Attendance increases for unusual expenses
incurred for educational purposes. Adjustments in Cost of Attendance are generally limited to the following situations:
Costs associated with a student’s disability
Child care expenses for a dependent child or student
One-time purchase of a computer for educational expenses
One-time costs of professional licensure required for a student’s major
Other extenuating circumstance(s)
Please complete, sign, and submit this form with a letter of explanation and the required documentation to the Financial Aid
Office. See Required Documentation Below:
Please allow 1-2 weeks for our response. Please note that all decisions are final. All Professional Judgment requests must
complete the FAFSA, and verification process if selected by submitting all required verification papers along with copies of 2018
Federal tax return and W-2 information. Additional documentation may be requested.
Reason for Request
Please check your reason below and submit documentation that supports your appeal request. See below for required
documentation. Professional Judgements appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and require a letter of explanation and
supporting documentation.
Disability: Documentation of disability diagnosis, costs related to students disability (ex: personal assistance, transportation,
equipment or supplies).
Child Care Expenses: Proof of dependent care expenses paid for the current academic year and what changed.
Unusual Medical and dental expenses not covered by insurance: Excessive medical and dental expenses: Submit proof of
actual medical and dental payments made in the prior year and the current year that were not reimbursed by insurance. Copy
of Schedule A (tax form)
Computer Purchase: Proof of cost of computer required for educational purposes or proof of purchase. (This is a one-time
Other extenuating circumstances: Submit a letter explaining your special circumstances. Submit as much documentation as
possible to support your reason for requesting consideration.
Student’s Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Parent’s Signature (if applicable): _____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________