Email: finaid@iit.edu
Fax: 312.567.3982
Office of Financial Aid
Perlstein Hall, 206
10 W. 33
Chicago, IL 60616
Phone: 312.567.7219
2020-2021 Appeal of Unusual Enrollment
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Last Name First Name
____________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Campus-Wide ID (A#) Telephone Number
Students are required to submit the following documents with this signed appeal form:
Copy of the transcript or grade report for every college attended in the 2016-17/2017-18/2018-19/2019-20
academic years.
A typed explanation on a separate sheet of paper listing the reasons that you did not earn any academic credit
(a grade of “D” or better in at least one course) for any institutions attended during the years listed above.
Documentation from a 3rd party to substantiate the reasons written above (recommended, not required).
I certify that I have reviewed the requirements for appeal and that I have submitted all required documents
in support of my appeal. I understand that an incomplete appeal will not be considered, and that a denied
appeal means that I will not receive federal or state financial aid for this term.
__________________________________ _________________
Student Signature (must print and sign) Date
The Department of Education flagged your account for a review of your attendance at
previous institutions. Selected students must provide an explanation with supporting
documentation for any semester/term in which they were enrolled but did not receive
academic credit. Earning credit is defined as a grade of “D” or better in at least one
course during that semester/term. A staff member will review your appeal and will
make a final determination on whether or not you are eligible to receive financial aid.
The office cannot review incomplete appeals.