EFSC Office of Financial Aid
www.easternflorida.edu/go/aid | (321) 433-7339 | finaid@easternflorida.edu
1 07/01/20
2020-2021 Aid Cancellation Request
This form can only be used if your financial aid for the term has not yet disbursed.
If aid has disbursed, please contact the Office of Financial Aid.
A. Student Information
Last Name First Name M.I. Student ID
B. Aid Cancellation Request
I certify that I will not be attending EFSC in the following semester(s) and wish to cancel ALL AID for the semester:
☐ Fall 2020 ☐ Spring 2021 ☐ Summer 2021
This is a formal request to cancel federal, state and institutional aid at Eastern Florida State College due to a change
in enrollment plans. I understand all pending aid will be cancelled and the cancellation reported to the appropriate
state and federal departments.
C. Work-Study Cancellation Request
☐ Please cancel Accepted Work-Study
If you wish to adjust you Federal Direct Loans, please complete the 2020-21 Loan Change Form.
D. Certification and Signature
By signing below I certify that all of the information reported is complete and correct.
Student’s Signature Date