Last Name _________________________
First Name F#______________________
If you believe you have experienced a significant loss in income, an adjustment to your 2020-2021 FAFSA maybe be possible. This form
only deals with federal aid; it cannot be used to alter eligibility for state aid programs such as TAP, SUNY Tuition Credit, or
Excelsior. If your current EFC is zero, then you will not be eligible for this appeal.
DOCUMENTATION: All applications MUST include the following items.
o Please specify the reason for your appeal by checking one box on page 2. Include a statement explaining in what way the
circumstance has altered your financial situation.
o 2018 Federal Tax Return and all applicable schedules or 2018 IRS Tax Return Transcript
o 2018 W-2 Earnings Statements.
o Additional documentation as listed below.
Extenuating Circumstances
Required Supporting Documentation
Loss of Employment: Job, benefits, or both have been lost, or
earnings are now less in a newly acquired job. Only a significant
income reduction may affect the financial aid offered.
Last pay stub showing year to date earnings.
Termination notice from employer showing last date
of employment.
Unemployment statement showing amount received,
benefit beginning and end dates.
Loss of an Untaxed Income: This may include the loss of one of
the following.
o Retirement/Pension
o Social Security
Workers Compensation
Original 2018 benefit statement listing the total amount
Revised benefit statement listing updated amount
received and effective date.
Documentation of the loss of support.
Separation or Divorce: Separation or divorce AFTER filing
the FAFSA, but no later than 12/31/2020. Parties that are still
living in the same household will not be considered.
Divorce Decree or Legal Separation Agreement.
Proof of separate residences (i.e. copies of utility bills).
Child Support or Alimon
y being received.
Death of Parent or Spouse: Your parent or spouse has passed
away since filing your FAFSA.
Copy of death certificate
2018 W-2(s)
Medical/Dental Expenses NOT covered by Insurance: Out of
pocket medical or dental expenses paid in 2018 (Tax year) or
2020 (Current year) beyond the amount already factored into the
federal EFC formula. Costs paid by insurance or someone else
cannot be counted.
Copy of schedule A- itemized deductions from your
federal tax return OR proof of out of pocket medical,
dental, or eye care payments.
Letter from insurance company showing medical and
dental expenses not covered by insurance.
One-Time taxable income
used for a life changing event:
IRA, Pension Distribution,
Copy of statement showing payments received.
Verification of use of funds. Payments toward consumer
debt will not be considered.
Why income cannot be used for educational expenses.
Office of Financial Aid
209 Maytum Hall
Fredonia, NY 14063
P: (716) 673-3253
F: (716) 673-3785