State Questions, Requirements, and Standards
This section provides Minnesota’s specific questions, requirements and standards for tax software
Standards and Requirements for Transferring Data Year Over Year
Transferring data year over year that is not initially entered accurately causes issues with processing tax
returns. Tax professionals must provide confirmation of these pre-populated data elements prior to
completing the tax return:
• State driver’s license data elements.
• State withholding account numbers.
As a Software Provider, You Agree to:
• Be approved by the IRS as an electronic transmitter.
• Review and comply with the software providers registration and standards listed on our
• Submit software test returns and corresponding PDFs for approval in the form and manner
prescribed by the agency.
• Resubmit software test returns and corresponding PDFs if correcting errors.
• Submit all returns as “linked returns” if a corresponding federal return was submitted; unless
otherwise directed by the department.
• Notify the department if any forms you support are not ready when your software is
available for use. You will need to advise customers that the forms are not available and
include a date on which the forms will be available.
• Notify the department immediately when errors in your software affect Minnesota taxpayers.
Do not submit returns with known errors. Notify your Minnesota customers and us as soon as
you have corrected the errors.
• Notify the department when you discover breaches, security incidents, or other improper
disclosures of taxpayer data. Document specifics of the situation into an incident report,
including but not limited to:
o Date and time of incident
o Date and time the incident was discovered
o How the incident was discovered
o Description of the incident and the data involved, including specific data elements if
o Potential number of taxpayer records involved, if known; otherwise, provide an
estimated range if possible
o Infrastructure/systems involved (for example, laptop, server, etc.)
• Provide timely updates, corrections, and technical support for software to ensure the accuracy
of Minnesota tax returns.
• Transmit taxpayer submissions on a regular basis. Notify the department and your customers if
you are holding any Minnesota returns.
• Protect taxpayer data including, but not limited to:
o Managing and protecting physical and remote access
o Managing identities and credentials for authorized devices and users