Reg 30 (5) [A] & para 2(1) [TP]
Power of employing authority to waive upon
the voluntary early payment of deferred
benefits, any actuarial reduction on
compassionate grounds
For members (excluding councillor members)
who ceased active membership between 1
April 2008 and 31 March 2014
Sch 2, para 1 (1) (c) [TP]
Power of employing authority to
`switch on' the
85 year rule upon the voluntary early payment
of deferred benefits
Whether, as the 85 year rule does not
automatically fully apply to members who
would otherwise be subject to it and who
choose to voluntarily draw their deferred
benefits (on or after 14 May 2018) on or after
age 55 and before age 60, to switch the 85
year rule back on in full for such members
For members (excluding councillor members)
who ceased active membership between 1
April 2008 and 31 March 2014
Sch 2, para 1 (1) (c) [TP]
Power of employing authority to
`switch on' the
85 year rule upon the voluntary early payment
of a suspended tier 3 ill health pension
Whether, as the 85 year rule does not
automatically fully apply to members who would
otherwise be subject to it and who choose to
voluntarily draw their suspended tier 3 ill health
pension (on or after 14 May 2018) on or after
age 55 and before age 60, to switch the 85
year rule back on in full for such members
For members (excluding councillor members)
who ceased active membership between 1
April 2008 and 31 March 2014
Page 3
Policy Decision
Policy Decision
Policy Decision
The general policy of Shaftesbury Town Council is not to waive, on
compassionate grounds, the actuarial reduction applied to benefits
paid early for members who ceased active membership between 1
April 2008 and 31 March 2014 but each case will be considered on its
own merit in exceptional circumstances.
Shaftesbury Town Council will not normally exercise this discretion.
This does not however preclude the council from exercising this
discretion in exceptional circumstances should it chose to do so,
following receipt of information in respect of the financial
implications to the council.
The general policy of Shaftesbury Town Council is not to 'switch on'
the 85 year rule upon the voluntary early payment of a suspended
tier 3 ill health pension, but each case will be considered on its own
merit in exceptional circumstances.