Visitor Name Encampment Visited
Visitor CAPID
Dates Visited
# Cadet Cadre
# Senior Staff
# Students
# Advanced Students
1 D
2 D/I CAPP 60-70, 1.2(i)
3 D CAPP 60-70, 1.6(b)
4 D CAPP 60-70, chap 2
5 I CAPP 60-70 para 2.4(a)
6 D/I CAPP 60-70 para 2.4 (d)
7 D/I CAPP 60-70 para 2.4 (c)
8 D/I CAPP60-70 para 2.5(b)
The youngest cadets and their families should be aware of the unique encampment
environment. Check with Commandant to see if 12 year-olds and parents were
Cadet Charge of Quarters or “Firewatch” programs are prohibited. Does the
encampment leadership disallow cadets from sentry duties during the overnight hours?
Activity will program 8.5 hours of sleep and 8 hours for cadre. Does the encampment
schedule clearly allow students 8.5 hours of sleep each evening?
Students must have time to decompress at the end of the day. Does the schedule clearly
indicates 30 minutes of undisturbed personal time immediately before lights out?
Students must have time for adequate nutrition. Are cadets permitted an undisturbed 15
minute meal period?
The encampment website is the primary source of activity information for families. Has
encampment prepared a webpage that features facility name, dates, contact information,
invitation to graduation, & social media links?
Encampments should gather participant feedback. Has encampment planned for cadet
Note identity of Encampment Commander, Commandant of Cadets, and Safety officer.
*D/I Items marked D are related priarmily to doctrinal compliance; items marked I relate primarily to Intensity issues.