American Association of Christian Schools
Professional Employee
Certification Program
12:68; 1 12:511,
2331; 4:1116).
Cercaon Program ··················· 1
Cercaon Categories ············ 23
Endorsements ······························ 4
Specialists ···································· 4
Requirements ······························· 4
Levels of Cercaon ··················· 5
Informaon ·································· 6
Subming the Applicaon ··········· 6
Applicaon ······························· 78 
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
Eight Categories of Certification
CATEGORY 5: ALL-LEVEL (Music, Art, Physical Educaon)
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
CATEGORY 7: SPECIALIST (Bible, Computer & Informaon Technology, Counseling)
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
PROVISIONAL: 
PROFESSIONAL: 
ADVANCED PROFESSIONAL: 
Eight Categories of Certification
Preschool Educaon
Early Childhood Educaon
 
 
 
Elementary Educaon
 including
 
Secondary Educaon
 
 
 
 
All-Level Cercates (Music, Art, Physical Educaon)
 
 
 
Special Educaon
 
 
 
Educaonal Administraon
Note: 
Chrisan Philosophy (CP) Requirement: 
Bible Doctrines (BD) Requirement: 
*Student Teaching Requirement: 
Computer & Informaon Technology
AACS Professional Employee Certification Program
Provisional Level Professional Level Advanced Professional Level
2 year cercate
Renewal – 20 contact hours
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
(Music, Art,
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
Special Educaon
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
Computer &
Info. Technology,
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
2 year cercate
Renewal – 4 SH
5 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
7 year cercate
Renewal – 60 contact hours
College Credit
College credit must be from an accredited or AACS-
recognized college or university. Accredited schools must be
accredited by an agency approved by the USDOE.
Converng Professional Development Credit or
Quarter Hours
Connuing Educaon Units (CEUs) are commonly oered for
aendance at seminars sponsored by universies, teachers
convenons, or other educaonal instuons. Those who
receive qualied instrucon are awarded one contact hour
for each hour of class me. Since one semester hour
normally requires 15 hours of classroom instrucon, one
semester hour = 15 contact hours. Whether earned as
college credit or from professional development sources,
the teacher must submit the required number of contact
hours to renew. Quarter Hours may be divided by 1.5 to
convert to semester hours.
Provisional Cercaon
A candidate with 128 semester hours of college credit may
qualify for a provisional cercate while progressing toward
degree compleon.
Lifeme Cercaon
A candidate with an earned doctorate may renew an
Advanced Professional cercate for a Lifeme cercate if
he has at least 7 years in educaon.
No CLEP credits are accepted for cercate renewal.
Replacement Cercates
The cost for re-evaluaon or replacement cercates is $10.
1. Answer all quesons on the applicaon form. Do not leave any secons blank.
2. Request the cercate type and endorsement(s) for which you qualify. Up to 2 endorsements are included;
addional endorsement requests are $10 each.
3. Send required documentaon*:
CP, BD, and Supervised Teacher vericaon forms if required; see page 4.
Inial Applicaon: Submit ocial college transcripts for all colleges*.
Renewal & Expired Applicaons: Submit documentaon for connuing educaon completed since
your last cercate was issued. (Send copies of connuing educaon cercates; ocial college
transcripts* for renewal coursework.)
4. Aach a check for the processing fee (inial applicaon $50; renewal fee – $45; expired cercate $55;
addional endorsements $10 each).
5. Submit the applicaon for your administrators review and signature.
6. Mail completed applicaon, processing fee and ALL required documentaon (see # 3 above) to:
AACS, 6170 Shallowford Road, Suite 103, Chaanooga, TN 37421
7. Allow 45 days for processing.
8. It is the applicants responsibility to follow-up with the AACS oce if he does not receive his cercate within 45 days.
Submitting the Certification
The Professional Employee Cercaon Program is a benet for
AACS member schools. If the applicant is not employed by an
AACS member school, the applicant must join AACS as an
individual member. The membership applicaon is available on
the AACS website.
Cercaon Renewal
Cercaon may be renewed up to 6 months before the
expiraon date.
Expired Cercaon
If a professional or advanced professional cercate expires and
the me since expiraon is less than one year, the expired
cercaon fee applies, and the new cercate begins when the
old cercate expired. The teacher must qualify for renewal.
If the me since expiraon is more than one year, the teacher
must qualify under current standards. The expired cercaon
fee applies.
a. If the applicant presents vericaon of 60 hours of
connuing educaon (earned since the prior cercate was
issued) that would qualify the teacher for a renewal under
current standards, a 5 year professional or 7 year advanced
professional cercate will be issued.
b. If the applicant does not present vericaon of connuing
educaon (credits or contact hours earned since the prior
cercate was issued) that would qualify the teacher for a
renewal under current standards, a 2 year professional
cercate will be issued and may be renewed as a 5 year
cercate with the compleon of 30 hours of connuing
*When required,
original transcripts
must be included
with applicaon.
Photo copies are
not accepted. If a
transcript was
received digitally,
the Scrip-Safe
page must be
included with the
   
   
Level of Cercate
  
 _____________________
 ____________________
 _________________________
 __________________________
 ___________________
 ___________________
 __________________________
Personal Informaon
_______________________________ __________ _____________________________________ _________________________________
   
 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
 ___________________________________________________  _________________  _______________________________
 _________________________  _________________________________________
Present Employment
 ________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________  ________________
Renewals—documentaon must be included (see page 6)
 ________________
 ______________
Cercate Type Requested (limit 2)
   
 -  
Endorsement(s) Requested (up to 2 included, addional endorsement requests $10 each)
    
    
    
  
 
Educaon Informaon—documentaon must be included (see page 6): 
since last cercate was issued
Applicants who are not Chrisan college graduates or who do not hold educaon degrees must submit the following vericaon
forms if required (see page 4): 
Permits/Cercates (include photocopies)
Colleges/Universies Aended State Major Field of Study Dates Aended Degree(s) Conferred
Issued by Cercate Expiraon
Cercaon Applicaon
Experience Informaon
Grades teaching ________________________________________________________________________________________________
List classes you teach ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Statement of Faith
School Administrator Approval
 _______________________________________________________________________________________________
 ____________________________________________________  _______________________________
 ______________________________________________________________________________________________
 _________________________________________________________  ______________________  _________________
 ___________________________________  ________________________  _________________
(list current school rst)
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