Page 3
(To be developed in consultation with faculty mentor)
Student Name:
Project Title:
Itemize expenses for items not provided through TTU or your faculty mentor. The maximum is $500 for
expenses, if the student is asking for $3500 for stipend. If not, the total budget cannot exceed $4000. (For
example a student could ask for $1000 for expenses, but only $3000 for stipend) Submit separate sheets with
supporting documentation (e.g., product specifications, cost estimates, travel request forms) if appropriate. The
budget page should include a list of the items within categories (i.e., supplies, personal protective equipment,
services, equipment, mileage, etc.) and a justification of any unusual items. Round to the nearest dollar. If the
total project costs exceed the $4000 for summer grants, then list any other sources of support (SMAC 606, other
grants) on a separate additional sheet.
Travel (not for dissemination of your work at a conference)
All funds for expense items, such as materials, supplies, equipment, software, computers, resources, or for other
expenditures such as travel integral to the conduct of the project or costs for outside services performed, must
be clearly and fully documented in the project description in Section 3. Remember, not all committee members
are familiar with your area of study, and as such, they may not fully understand the need for materials, supplies,
travel, and other expenses. Such documentation must include:
• Name/description of expense item
• Cost of expense item
• Detailed justification for why this expense item is necessary
• Brief description of how this item is to be used for this project
• Can the project be completed without the requested item(s)?