: If you are no longer operating a business in Wood
Village please notify us immediately so we may update
our records.
This form is your annual renewal form for your Wood Village Business License.
If all information is the same please check the box, if information has changed; please attach a separate page
and include f
ull detailed description of changes.
s Name:_______________________________ Site Address: _________________________Wood Village
□Owner has not changed: If Yes,______________________________________________________________________
□Business name has not changed: If Yes,________________________________________________________
On site Managers Name: ____________________________________ Contact #____________________________________
□Mailing Address no change: If Yes, ____________________________________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________
□Scope of Business no change: □If Yes, attach a separate page to include change details
□No Building Structural changes have been made: □If Yes attach a separate page to include change details
Number of Full Time Employees Number of Part Time Employees Seasonal
Please include yourself in the employee count as (1) even if you have no additional employees
Sign Here:_______________________________________________ Circle One: (Owner) or (Manager)
Renewal Application Fee will be submitted via:
□Mail or □Online
(with gross annual earnings less than $25,000)
(Attach Schedule C if earnings are less than 25,000 to qualify for fee exempt status)
Pinball machine (electronic or mechanical), ea.
Digger or crane machine, ea.
Video, electronic amusement devices or games, ea.
Shuffle, miniature pool, baseball or like device, ea.
Hobby horse or similar machine, ea.
All other amusement devices and machines, ea.
Chapter 5.04 of the Wood Village Municipal Code establishes the business license and related license fee for all businesses
operating within the City. Wood Village City Council adopted Ordinance 9-2003 on June 18, 2003. This Ordinance states
“Failure to obtain a license required by Chapter 5.04 is a violation of this Chapter. Any person violating this Chapter is subject to
a civil penalty of up to $1,000. Each day’s violation constitutes a separate offense.”
Make Copy for your records