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a. Reviewing the Analyzer
Data, how does the efficiency
(in terms of FTES/FTEF) of the
program compare to the
efficiency of the College as a
a. Reviewing Analyzer data,
how does your program
compare to the College as a
whole regarding student success
and student retention?
b. Over the past several years, is
student success, retention, and
enrollment consistent in your
classes? Improving? Declining?
declared majors in your
degrees/certificates? How
many completers have you had
over the past five years in these
degrees and certificates?
d. Please provide information
which may explain any data
that is not satisfactory.
a. Referring to Analyzer data,
or term data, how does this
program compare with the
college as a whole in
enrollment, success and
retention when disaggregated by
race, ethnicity, gender and age?
b. Can you identify factors
which may be limiting equity
within the program? Do you
have any ideas on how these
factors can be ameliorated?