Federal Direct PARENT PLUS Loan Application
Revised 02/27/2018
Parent’s Emplid #: _____________________________
Student’s Information
Borrower Information; to be completed by the Parent Borrower
Single Married Divorced Widowed
As of Date: ________________________
(________) __________-______________
If you answered NO, are you a permanent resident of the U.S.? Yes No
If you are a permanent resident, alien registration number: A- ____________________________
Driver’s License Issuing State:
Loan Amount Requested
For each academic year, you may borrow up to (but not more than) KBCC’s cost of attendance, minus the amount of other financial assistance the student receives. KBCC determines
the cost of attendance based on federal guidelines. It is important not to borrow more that you can afford to repay, even if you are eligible to borrow more.
Requested Loan Amount: $________________________
(Loan Period: Loan requests are processed for the Fall 2019/Spring 2020 semesters. Loan disbursements will be made in two equal payments/installments for the loan period certified.)
Credit Balance Option
Your Direct PLUS Loan will first be applied to the student’s school account to pay for tuition and fees, room and board (if applicable), and if you provide authorization, other educationally
related charges. Any loan amount that remains after these charges have been paid is called a credit balance. You may choose to have the school pay the credit balance to you or to the
If there is a credit balance (refund) after your Direct PLUS Loan has been applied to the student’s account, to whom do you want the school to pay the credit balance?
Parent (Myself) The Student
Parent’s Certification: Your signature below certifies that you understand that this request form is not a promissory note. The promissory note needs to be completed by the parent
online by visiting: www.Studentloans.gov
No request for a Direct Loan can be processed until the Office of Financial Aid has received the results of your child’s/the student’s 2019-2020 FAFSA; collected any required
documentation; and determined the application information to be correct.
Federal Student Aid & City University of New York policy requires that students maintain half-time (6 Credits) in order to receive the disbursement of Direct Loan Funds.
Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________