Orphan, Ward of Court or
Foster Care Verification Form
Feather River College – Financial Aid Office – 570 Golden Eagle Avenue, Quincy CA 95971
Phone (530) 283-0202 ext. 603 | Fax (530) 283-4659 | Email: financialaid@frc.edu
On your 2019-2020 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application or California Dream Act Application,
you indicated that both of your parents were deceased, you were in foster care, or you are/were a dependent or ward of the
court. Please complete this form by checking one of the boxes below, sign, and submit, along with any required
documentation to the Financial Aid Office. Include your FRC student ID number on all documentation submitted. We
encourage you to make a copy of this form and all documents for your records.
C. Certification and Signatures – Each person signing this worksheet certifies that all of the information reported on
it is complete and correct. The student whose information was reported on the FAFSA must sign and date. Warning! If
you purposely give false or misleading information you may be fined, sentenced to jail, or both.
Student Signature: _____________________________________________________ Date__________________
This worksheet must be signed and dated to be valid. Electronic and/or digital signatures are not valid.
Qualifying: ☐ Orphan | ☐ Ward of Court | ☐ Foster Care | ☐ Made error on aid application
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________ FRC ID: ______________________
B. Orphan, Ward of Court or Foster Care Status – Check appropriate box
• I am an orphan. Check this box only if:
o you had no living parent (biological or adoptive) at any time since the age of 13 – even if you are now
adopted. Submit: Copy of death certificate for each of your parents.
• I was in foster care. State: ___ Check this box only if:
o you were in foster care at any time since the age of 13 – even if you are no longer in foster care as of today.
Submit: Copy of court orders, or a letter from your caseworker to verify your status.
• I am/was a dependent or ward of the court. Check this box only if:
o you are/were a dependent or ward of the court at any time since the age of 13 – even if you are no longer a
dependent or ward of the court as of today.
Submit: Copy of court’s decision or other documentation to verify your status.
Note: for Federal Student Aid purposes, someone who is/was a ward of the court due to incarceration does not qualify.
• I made an error on my FAFSA. Check this box only if you are not and have never been:
o an orphan
o a dependent or ward of the court or,
o in foster care
Instructions: if you checked I made an error on my FAFSA, you must correct the information on your aid
application to answer No to the question about being an orphan, ward of court or in foster care and provide your
parent(s) information and signature.