Area Assessment Program
AD attended AD training.
AD completed the following: (Check all that apply)
Introductory Management/Regional Management Date: __ 3 points
Resolution & Due Process/Dispute Resolution prior to 2014 Date:
3 points
AD is signed on and using Sports Connect Area Portal, AYSOU.
AD communicated by telephone, e-mail, in person or in writing with the Section
Director at least once each month.
AD or designee provided Regional Commissioner and Board Orientation (rostered in
eAYSO) for each
Region with a newly appointed RC in the Area.
AD communicated with each of the Area’s Regional Commissioners at least once each
month. (Check all that apply)
Telephone e-mail Letter Newsletter
AD, or designee, attended all scheduled Section staff or executive meetings to which he
or she was invited in the past 12 months.
AD holds regularly scheduled Area meetings – in person or by conference call - (aside
from the Section EXPO) which are open to all the Area’s participants and agendas and
meeting times are publicized in advance.
AD attended the following meetings: (Check all that apply – 3 points each)
National Annual General Meeting – NAGM (if the AD could not attend, they
submitted their proxy by mail or by another designated proxy holder.)
Section EXPO
The AD
with Area level training.
Area has nominations for Area Director at a minimum of every three years and
nominations are open to all qualified persons.
AD published and distributed an Area calendar to all the Regions within the Area. A
is attached.
AD has identified a potential successor and mentoring has begun.