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2018 to 2021 NOSA Response Form for
Section 538 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program (GRRHP)
Applicants may submit this NOSA Response Form electronically by clicking the Send Form
button at the bottom of this form. Please note: electronic submittals are not on a secured
web site. If you do not wish to submit the form electronically, you may still fill out the form,
print it and submit it with your application package to the State Office. All NOSA responses
will be scored using the priority scoring criteria on this form. The closing date for this NOSA is
December 31, 2021.
Supporting documentation required with your application may be sent via email to a special
address that you will receive upon receipt of your electronic form. If using this option, please
enter the Submission Email Address on the form below (I.g). Under item XVIII. Documents
Submitted, check all supporting documents that you are submitting and indicate whether you
are submitting each item to the State Office or via email.
I. Lender/Applicant Information Total Score:
a. Lenders Name:
b. Lenders Mailing Address:
Address, Line 1:
Address, Line 2:
City: State: Zip:
c. Name of Lender’s Contact Person:
d. Contact Person’s Telephone Number:
e. Contact Person’s Fax Number:
f. Contact Person’s Email Address:
g. Submission Email Address:
Specify the Sender’s email address that will be used to email all supporting documents. When you submit
this form electronically, you will receive an email address for submitting all documents checked under item
XVII. Documents Submitted.
II. Borrower Information
a. Borrower’s Name:
b. Tax Classification: For Profit Not for Profit
c. Borrower’s DUNs Number:
d. Borrower’s Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic or Non-Latino Hispanic or Latino
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e. Organization Type:
General or Limited Partnership Public Agency
For Profit Corporation Indian Tribe
Non-Profit Corporation Trust
Limited Liability Corporation Individual
Other Specify:
f. Is this a Faith-based organization? Yes No
g. Borrower’s Address:
Address, Line 1:
Address, Line 2:
City: State: Zip:
Congressional District:
h. Name of Borrower’s Contact Person:
i. Contact Person’s Telephone Number:
j. Contact Person’s Fax Number:
k. Contact Person’s Email Address:
The following supporting documents are required for submission, unless otherwise
noted. Check the documents you are submitting under item XVII. Documents Submitted:
l. Equal Opportunity Survey (optional)
m. Principal or Key Members of Borrower Organization
n. Borrower Information and Statement of Housing Development Experience
III. Project Information
a. Project Name:
b. Project Type:
Family Senior (all residents 55 years or older) Mixed
c. Project Address:
Address, Line 1:
Address, Line 2:
City: State: Zip:
Congressional District:
d. Construction Type:
New Construction Acquisition with Rehabilitation
e. Supporting documents required:
Property Description and Proposed Development Schedule
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IV. Project Cost and Rent
a. Total Project Development Cost:
b. Total Number of Units:
c. Total Number of 3-5 bedroom units:
d. Ratio of 3-5 bedroom units to total units:
e. Cost per Unit (Total Development Cost ÷ Total Units):
f. Proposed Rent Structure
Unit Type Monthly Rent
g. Median Income for Community (from the most recent census data published by the United States
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD))
V. Project Site Information
Supporting documents required:
a. Evidence of Site Control
b. Description of any Environmental Issues:
VI. Project Funding
a. Section 538 Guaranteed Loan Amount:
b. Section 515 Direct Loan Amount:
c. Section 515 Funding Type:
None Rehab/Revitalize Transfer with Rehab/Revitalize Other
d. Borrower’s Proposed Equity
Source Amount
Total Equity:
e. Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)
Have tax credits been awarded? Yes No
If not, when do you anticipate an award will be made (announced) (mm/dd/yyyy)?
What is the [estimated] value of the tax credits?
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Include one of the following supporting documents:
If awarded, a copy of the award or evidence of award
If not awarded, letters of application and commitment, if available
f. Other Sources of Funds
List all Loan funding sources other than tax credits:
Source Amount Rate Term
List all Grant funding sources other than tax credits:
Source Amount
g. Loan to Total Development Cost (Guaranteed Loan ÷ Total Project Development Cost):
h. Debt Coverage Ratio (Net operating income divided by debt service payments):
Note: Debt Coverage Ratio must be at least 1.15 or greater to qualify for this program.
i. Percentage of Guarantee requested:
j. Provide Collateral for Guarantee as a supporting document
k. Type of Guarantee being requested?
Permanent Only (Option 1)
Construction and Permanent (Option 2)
Continuous (Option 3)
l. Loan Term (minimum 25-year term; maximum 40-year term including construction
period; may amortize up to 40 years; balloon mortgages permitted after the 25
VII. Other Background Information
a. The project is located in one of the following areas:
In a Colonia
On Tribal Lands
In a place identified in the State’s Consolidated Plan
In a high-need community for multi-family housing based on the State’s Needs
None of the above
b. Is the property located in a Federally Declared Disaster Area? Yes No
If “Yes,” provide the Presidential Declaration as a supporting document.
c. What is the population of the county, city or town where the project is or will be
Name of County, City or Town: Population:
VIII. Priority 1
Projects located in eligible rural communities with the lowest population will receive the
highest points.
What is the population of the county, city or town where the project is located or will be
located upon construction?
0 to 5,000 people (30 points)
5,001 to 10,000 people (15 points)
10,001 to 15,000 people (10 points)
15,001 to 20,000 people (5 points)
20,001 to 35,000 people (0 points) Points:
IX. Priority 2
The neediest communities, as determined by the median income from the most recent
census data published by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) will receive points. The Agency will allocate points to projects located in communities
having the lowest median income.
What is the median income of the community where the project is located?
Less than $45,000 (20 points)
$45,000 to less than $55,000 (15 points)
$55,000 to less than $65,000 (10 points)
$65,000 to less than $75,000 (5 points)
$75,000 or more (0 points) Points:
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X. Priority 3
Points will be awarded to projects that demonstrate partnering and leveraging in order to
develop the maximum number of units and promote partnerships with State and local
What is the loan to total development cost ratio (percentage %)? Check one:
Less than 25% (60 points)
25% to less than 50% (30 points)
50% to less than 70% (10 points)
70% or more (0 points) Points:
XI. Priority 4
Responses that include equity from low income housing tax credits will receive an additional
50 points. You must have a commitment in place in order to receive points.
This project will include equity from low income housing tax credits. (50 points)
Yes (50 points) No (0 points) Points:
XII. Priority 5
Points will be awarded to projects with the highest ratio of 3-5 bedroom units to total units.
What is the ratio of 3-5 bedroom units to total units?
More than 50% (10 points)
21% to 50% (5 points)
Less than 21%, but more than 0% (1 point)
Not applicable (0 points) Points:
XIII. Priority 6
Responses for the revitalization, repair, and transfer (as stipulated in 7 CFR 3560.406) of
existing direct section 515 and Section 514/516 FLH and properties involved in the Agency’s
MPR program (transfer costs, including equity payments, are subject to Agency approval and
must be an eligible use of loan proceeds listed in 7 CFR 3565.205) will receive an additional
10 points. No points will be awarded for transfers that include equity payments.
This project includes the revitalization, repair and transfer of existing direct Section 515
or Section 514/516 FLH properties AND did not receive any equity payments as part of
a transfer (10 points)
This project is part of the Agency’s MPR program AND did not receive any equity
payments as part of a transfer (10 points)
Not applicable (0 points) Points:
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XIV. Priority 7A – Energy Efficiency
Projects that are energy-efficient and registered for participation in any of the following
programs will receive points, up to a maximum of 25 points. Each program has an initial
checklist indicating prerequisites for participation. Applicants must provide a checklist
establishing that the prerequisites for each program, that the project will be participating in,
will be met. All checklists must be accompanied by a signed affidavit by the project architect
stating that the goals are achievable.
Check all the energy-efficient programs that you will be participating in. NOTE: You can
receive a maximum of 25 points for participation in one or more programs. If you earn
points for LEED or NGBS you may not earn additional points for Energy Star for Homes.
Energy Star for Homes (5 points): Yes No Points:
Green Communities by the Enterprise Community Partners,
(10 points): Yes No Points:
LEED for Homes program by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC),
Check one of the five levels of certification:
LEED Certified (10 points)
LEED Silver (12 points)
LEED Gold (15 points)
LEED Platinum (25 points)
No LEED certification (0 points) Points:
Home Innovation’s National Green Building Standard
(NGBS) certification program,
Check one of the five levels of certification:
NGBS Bronze (10 points)
NGBS Silver (12 points)
NGBS Gold (15 points)
NGBS Emerald (25 points)
No NGBS certification (0 points) Points:
This project will participate in a State or local building program (2 points):
Yes No Points:
Total Points for 7A Energy-efficiency: (Points earned for 7A cannot exceed 25)
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XV. Priority 7B – Energy Management
Projects that will be managed by a certified green property management company will
receive 5 points. Applicants must provide proof of certification in one of the programs listed
This project will be managed by a green property management company that is certified
by one of the following programs:
National Apartment Association, Credential for Green Property Management (CGPM)
(5 points) OR
National Affordable Housing Management Association (NAHMA), Credential for Green
Property Management (CGPM), (5 points)
U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), Green Building Certificate Institute (GBCI) LEED AP
(any discipline) or LEED Green Associate, (5 points) OR
None of the above (0 points) Points:
XVI. Priority 7C Energy Generation
Responses for new construction or purchase and rehabilitation of non-program multi-family
projects which participate in the Energy Star for Homes V3 Program, Green Communities,
LEED for Homes, of Home Innovation’s National Green Building Standard are eligible to earn
additional points for installation of on-site renewable energy sources. In order to receive
more than one point for this energy generation section, an accurate energy analysis
prepared by an engineer will need to be submitted with the response. Energy analysis of
preliminary building plans using industry-recognized simulation software must document the
projected total energy consumption of the building, the portion of building consumption
which will be satisfied through on-site generation, and the building’s Home Energy Rating
System (HERS) score.
Projects with an energy analysis of the preliminary or rehabilitation building plans that
propose a 10 percent to 100 percent energy generation commitment (where generation is
considered to be the total amount of energy needed to be generated on-site to make the
building a net-zero consumer of energy) will be awarded points as follows:
0 to 9 percent commitment to energy generation (0 points)
10 to 29 percent commitment to energy generation (1 point)
30 to 49 percent commitment to energy generation (2 points)
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50 to 69 percent commitment to energy generation (3 points)
70 to 89 percent commitment to energy generation (4 points)
90 percent or more commitment to energy generation (5 points)
XVII. Priority 8
An additional 10 points will be awarded to projects located in a Promise Zone and/or
persistent poverty county. A county is considered persistently poor if 20 percent or more of
its population was living in poverty over the last 30 years as measured by the 1990, 2000 and
2010 decennial censuses and 2007-2011 American Community Survey 5-year estimates as
determined by the Agency.
This project is located in a Promise Zone and/or Persistent Poverty County (10 points):
Yes No Points:
Name of Promise Zone: And/Or
Name of Persistent Poverty County:
XVIII. Documents Submitted
Below, please check all documents that you will be submitting to substantiate your
responses on this Form. Hard copy submissions should be mailed to the State Office with
your application package. If you check the email option, you will be notified of the email
address to use upon electronic receipt of this form. Points will be assigned for the items that
you checked based on a review of the supporting documents.
Below are some ground rules for documents submitted via email, so that they may be
correctly identified upon receipt:
1. In the Email Subject line include the Project Name and State
2. For each document submitted, include the Project Name, Project State, Form
Reference and Item name shown below, as in “II j. Equal Opportunity Survey for
Hopewell Apartments, WI.”
3. You may submit each document listed below as a separate file or combine several
documents into one large file – so long as all documents in the file pertain to the
same project. Remember to identify each document with its Form Reference.
4. When sending attachments via email, you may bump up against the limit on the size
of an attachment or the total number of attachments that you can include in one
email. If the submission is not successful, you may need to limit the size or number
of files sent in one email. You may use multiple emails to submit all of your
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in Form
Submission Mode
II. Borrower Information
Via Email
State Office
Equal Opportunity Survey (optional)
Principal or Key Members of Borrower
Borrower Information and Statement of
Housing Development Experience
III. Project Information
Via Email
State Office
Property Description and Proposed
Development Schedule
V. Project Site Information
Via Email
State Office
Evidence of Site Control
Description of any Environmental Issues
VI. Project Funding
Via Email
State Office
If Tax Credits have been awarded, a copy of
the award or evidence of award, OR
If Tax Credits have not yet been awarded,
letters of application and commitment
Collateral for Guarantee requested
VII. Other Background Information
Via Email
State Office
Presidential Declaration document if property
is located in a Federally declared disaster
VIII. to XIV. Priority 1 through 6
Via Email
State Office
Priority 1: Population Size
in Form
Submission Mode
Priority 2: Median Income
Priority 3: Loan to Total Development Cost
Priority 4: Equity from low income housing
tax credits
Priority 5: Ratio of 3-5 bedroom units to total
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in Form
Submission Mode
Priority 6: Revitalization, repair and transfer
of existing 515 properties or MPR properties
-- with no equity payments
XIV. Priority 7A: Energy-Efficient Program
Via Email
State Office
Energy Star for Homes checklist and signed
Green Communities by the Enterprise
Community Partners checklist and signed
LEED for Homes Program checklist and signed
Home Innovation’s National Green Building
Standard checklist and signed affidavit
State or local green building program
checklist and signed affidavit
XV. Priority 7B: Credentials for Green Property
Via Email
State Office
National Apartment Association, Credential
for Green Property Management
National Affordable Housing Management
Association, Credential for Green Property
U.S. Green Building Council, Green Building
Certification Institute LEED AP (any discipline)
or LEED Green Associate
XVI. Priority 7C: Energy Generation
Via Email
State Office
An energy analysis of the preliminary or
rehabilitation building plans.
XIX. Scoring
PLEASE NOTE: The scoring below is based on the responses that you have provided on this
form and may not accord with the final score that the Agency assigns upon evaluating the
supporting documentation that you submit. Your score may change from what you see here
if the supporting documentation is incomplete or missing.
Points Earned
Population Size (30, 15, 10, 5)
Median Income (20, 15, 10, 5)
Loan to Total Development Cost ratio (60, 30, 10)
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Points Earned
Equity from Low Income Housing Tax Credits (50)
Ratio of 3-5 bedroom units to total units (10, 5, 1)
Revitalization, repair and transfer of existing Section 515 properties,
Section 514/516 FLH properties or MPR properties -- with no equity
payments for transfers (10)
Participation in energy-efficient programs (25 or less)
Credential for Green Property Management (5)
Energy Generation (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
In a Promise Zone or Persistent Poverty County (10)
Total Score:
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