2018 CRP, Cercate of Rent Paid
Renter’s Name and Address of the Unit Rented Owner’s or Managing Agent’s Name and Address (Including ZIP Code)
Property ID Number or Parcel Number County Number of Units on This Property
Rented from (MM/DD/YYYY): to (MM/DD/YYYY): Total Months Rented Number of Adults Living in Unit (count married couple as 1) Place an X in box
if count includes
married couple:
Place an X if: Nursing Home Intermediate Care Facility Adult Foster Care Assisted Living
A. Amount paid for the renter by medical assistance (Medicaid) ..............................
B. Housing Support (formerly GRH) payments received by landlord on behalf of this renter .......
1 Rent paid to you by this individual renter or married couple for 2018 (round to nearest whole dollar).................. 1
If a government housing agency paid you part of the rent for this unit, place an X in this box,
but do not include the amounts paid by the government agency in line 1.
Place an X in this box if rent was for a mobile home lot.
Place an X in this box if this renter received reduced rent for being caretaker.
2 The percentage for all renters is 17 percent (.17) ........................................................... 2
3 Mulplyline1byline2.Renters: Include this amount on line 9 of Form M1PR
(round to nearest whole dollar)
............ 3
17 %
Landlord: I declare that this cercate is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Owner’s or agent’s signature Date Business phone
Eligible renters may receive a refund based on property taxes paid on their principal place of residence in Minnesota and their income. Renters
will need this CRP, Cercate of Rent Paid, to apply for a property tax refund (see eligibility requirements below).
The landlord is required to give each renter a completed CRP no later than January 31, 2019.
Roommates: The landlord is required to give each unmarried renter living in a unit a separate CRP showing that each roommate paid an equal
Renters: You must le Form M1PR, Homestead Credit Refund (for Homeowners) and Renter’s Property Tax Refund, and include all CRPs to
claim a refund. Your refund will be denied or delayed if you do not include all CRPs when ling Form M1PR.
Eligibility Requirements for Renters
• You were a full-year or part-year resident of Minnesota.
• You cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s 2018 federal income tax return.
• Your total household income is less than $61,320. (Household income is your federal adjusted gross income plus most nontaxable income. If
you are married and living together, both incomes are included in household income. If you are single, use your income only; do not include the
If you meet the above eligibility requirements, complete Form M1PR to determine the amount of your refund. You must include this CRP when you
If you qualify, complete Form M1PR and include this CRP when ling your return. Your refund will be delayed or denied if you do not include this
CRP when you le your M1PR. Make copies of your Form M1PR and this form and keep them with your records.