1. Well Defined Project and Need – 20 points
Provide a brief description of your project including clear identification of the project scope,
purpose, and need. (For public charging locations this includes consideration of the proposed
site relative to gaps in existing charging availability and how the project helps to advance the
robustness of the statewide EVSE network and promote the adoption of EV’s.) Clear
description of the need for an EVSE in the proposed location, primary targeted users, and how
this project will benefit users, the community, workplaces, housing, or other economic benefits
that may result.
2. Project Readiness – 15 points
Please explain the readiness of your project. Project readiness demonstrates that a project
review sheet has been completed by ANR Permit Specialist, permits identified, in progress or
secured, match funding secured, and realistic start-date and installation schedule. Project
schedule clearly identifies realistic goals for completing the project within two years.
3. Co
st-Effective Budget – 15 points
Please justify your budget and provide evidence that it is well-documented, realistic, and
appropriate for the project scope. Funding sources identified and secured. Project
demonstrates the most cost-effective approach to siting, installation, and equipment that best
meets the needs of the intended current and future users of the EVSE. Budget costs are
verified and documented and itemized in the application by EVSE supplier, licensed
electrician, utility, or other professional with knowledge of EVSE installation.
4. Over
all quality of application – 10 points
The application is complete, well-written, clearly identifies the project, and is internally
consistent. The experience of the applicant team with successful installation of EVSEs, or
similar projects for applicants that have not installed EVSE before, will be part of this score.
Installation of a public, 2-unit, level 2 charge station would be the first in Richmond and near Exit 11. The nearest public
chargers are 8 miles away in Williston. Wireless connection will show availability to travellers on the Montpelier-Burlington
corridor, as well as regular visitors, and local residents. The location is at the Town Center offices, Post Office, Library, and
School District offices, and within a few minutes walk to Richmond Market, Richmond Home Supply, 4 restaurants (including
1 microbrewery), various other shops, Volunteers' Green (playground, sport fields, canoe access, farmers' market), the
historic Round Church (many tourists and weddings), and extensive trail networks that attract out-of-towners. The charge
station would increase visitor trips and help new visitors discover all the Village has to offer, adding to Richmond's economy.
The project aligns well with our Town Plan and Goals, as well as the State's Comprehensive Energy Plan.
• Project Review Sheet completed.
• Required permits have been identified.
• Match funding has been secured.
• Project plan approved by all key stakeholders: Select Board, Town Manager, Planning
Commision, Library Trustees, Highway Dept., and local Business Association.
• Project includes detailed task list and schedule.
• Start date based on availability of FY2019 funds, project easily completed in 7-8 months.
• All grant requirements have been met - see checklist in Attachment 9, below.
• Internet connectivity was considered essential to show charger availability to I-89 and
US Route 2 travellers.
• Cost estimates are based on 4 preliminary bids (Peak Electric Co.) for different equipment options.
• ChargePoint selected as industry leader based on network dominance (see Attachment 4, below).
• All project activities, equipment, and labor are itemized in the project budget and schedule.
• Proposed parking spaces are close to electric supply with minimal excavation, minimizing costs.
• We have been diligent to review all project costs, to assure no surprises.
• Central location in Richmond's village center is ideally situated for both local residents and visitors.