Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program
HR Candidate Application
What: To provide the opportunity and funding for UD’s frontline supervisors and managers to engage in the
Center for Leadership’s Supervisory Leadership Certificate Program.
How: Nominations will be made by middle-to-senior level managers, and/or by individuals who self-nominate
and are approved by their supervisors and the next managerial level. The Office of Human Resources will
fund up to five individuals per Supervisory Leadership Certificate program cycle, up to 4 cycles per calendar
year (to total 20 participants).
For each approved candidate, the Office of Human Resources will contribute $1,500, and the
division/dept. will contribute $500 per participant. In the event that more than five candidates are
nominated for a particular cycle, applicants will be placed in the next available cycle.
If a department would like to send participants to the program outside of this process, the department will
absorb the entire $2,000 cost.
Qualifications include:
• Recognition of potential or demonstrated management talent
• Desire to continue to grow and advance within the University
Preferred qualifications include:
• Participation in other previous leadership experiences helpful but not necessary
Commitment of Supervisory Leadership Certificate program participant:
• Participant must commit to missing no more than two sessions.
Commitment of Mentor:
• Dedication to the well-being and development of the mentee
• Attendance at a half-day training program
Full time, benefits eligible UD staff/faculty may sign up for individual Supervisory programs at no cost (up to
$1200) under the continuing education policy.
If you have further comments/questions, please be in touch with Alex Polzella at 9-4895.