Ms. Wittig was unable to attend the meeting, but submitted her survey comments in advance for
consideration. Mr. Logan proceeded to review each survey question asking for the Committee’s
input and preference. A lengthy discussion ensued.
After reviewing all survey questions, discussion resumed regarding “convenient payment options”.
It was determined that questions addressing the issue could be added to the survey without
adversely impacting it, yet still capture responses from all survey takers. The suggestion was to add
Question 10A to capture responses from those who indicated on the survey that they do not eat at
particular vendors. Two lines would be added to Question 11 to capture responses for those who
indicated on the survey that they do not eat on campus at all.
Mr. Logan inquired as to the best way to increase survey participation. He mentioned that there
was usually a raffle for the students, but inquired if this would be applicable for faculty/staff
participation. Mr. Crother indicated a blanket email to the campus would get limited participation
only. In addition, there should be iPad stations set up by the vendor locations so people can take
the survey on the spot. Ms. Miller reported that the highest return on the last survey was a result
of direct email. Mr. Logan asked all committee members to go to their constituent groups for their
feedback on this topic.
Review of the RFP timeline was tabled at this time.
Mr. Logan stated that IERP would include the changes proposed at today’s meeting to generate a
final survey draft. This final draft would be reviewed at the next meeting on April 17 with the intent
to release the survey to the campus shortly thereafter
The next item to be discussed by the Committee would be the RFP document which would also occur
at the April 17 meeting.
Mr. Crother shared that there had been difficulty by members of the campus community in locating
the Committee’s “Contact Us” page. Mr. Logan reviewed the process for locating the Committee’s
Mr. Logan conducted a round-the-room update where Mr. Rodriguez shared that several students
had inquired as to what changes are to be expected regarding the vendors.
The next meeting with be April 17, 2018 in LC-51 at 11:00 am.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:38 pm.