2017 Schedule M1NC, Federal Adjustments
On May 30, 2019, Minnesota law was updated to recognize the Internal Revenue Code as amended through December 31, 2018.
The law disallows the tax eect of the federal provisions on this schedule.
Before you complete this schedule, read the instrucons which are on a separate sheet.
Adjustments to federal adjusted gross income (FAGI)
1 This line intenonally le blank.................................................................... 1
2 This line intenonally le blank.................................................................... 2
3 This line intenonally le blank.................................................................... 3
4 Tuion and fees deducon and other adjustments under the TCDTR and CARES Act (see instrucons) ......... 4
5 This line intenonally le blank.................................................................... 5
6 This line intenonally le blank ................................................................... 6
7 This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank.................................................................... 7
8 This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank.................................................................... 8
9 Enter amount from line 4. If you are claiming a child and dependent care credit,
include this amount on line 1 of Schedule M1CD. If you are claiming a K-12 educaon credit (M1ED),
or a property tax refund (M1PR), include this amount on line 5 of the appropriate schedule or form. .......... 9
10 This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank................................................................... 10
11 This line intenonally le blank
This line intenonally le blank................................................................... 11
12 Mortgage insurance premiums deducted on line 13
of federal Schedule A ........................................................................... 12
13 Add lines 4 and 12 ..............................................................................13
14 If you were required to include deferred foreign income on your federal return, enter the amount on line 14.
See instrucons if deferred foreign income was reported on Schedules KPI, KS, and KF. .................... 14
15 Subtract line 14 from line 13. If the result is posive, enter it on Schedule M1M, line 16.
If the amount is less than zero, enter it as a posive number on Schedule M1M, line 43 .................... 15
You must include this schedule when you le Form M1.
Round amounts to the nearest whole dollar.
Your First Name and Inial Last Name Social Security Number
Revised 6/20
allowed for tax year 2017 on your federal
return. This deduction is not allowed for
Minnesota purposes. Include the amount
from line 34 of Form 1040 or line 19 of
Form 1040A, on line 4 of this schedule.
Other adjustments under the TCDTR of
How to Report the Federal Adjustments
If any of the federal provisions that are in-
cluded in the TCDTR aect the amount of
taxable income reported on your 2017 fed-
eral return, you must make an adjustment to
income on your 2017 Minnesota return. To
determine the adjustment amount, compute
your federal taxable income based on 2018
IRC. Report the dierence between this
amount and the amount allowed under 2019
IRC as an adjustment to income.
Subtotal all nonconformity adjustments
(positive and negative) calculated from
the provisions listed below. If the net of all
adjustments results in an increase of your
federal taxable income (FTI), enter the net
adjustment as a positive number on line
4. If the net of all adjustments results in a
reduction of your FTI, enter the net adjust-
ment as a negative number on line 4.
If you received Schedule KPI or Schedule
KS with code 17, include the amount from
line 8b as a positive amount or the amount
from line 10b as a negative amount on line
4. If you received Schedule KF with code
17, include the amount from line 8b as a
positive amount or the amount from line
16b as a negative amount on line 4.
For purposes of calculating adjustments,
use any federal regulation or ruling issued
by the Internal Revenue Service prior to the
passage of the TCDTR which governs the
referenced provisions.
To report the dierences for Minnesota tax
purposes, you must attach to your Form
M1 or Form M1X a list of the federal
provisions aecting your taxable income
by section number and show how you
calculated each adjustment amount.
Provisions that May Require an Income
The following provisions may require
an income adjustment for Minnesota
tax purposes. This list includes the most
common adjustments; you must make
adjustments as needed for all provisions
included in the TCDTR.
Secon 111. Indian Employment Credit
If you were not allowed to deduct expenses
due to the Indian Employment Credit on
your federal return, include the amount
of the disallowed expenses as a negative
Secon 112. Railroad Track Maintenance
If you were not allowed to deduct
expenditures due to the Railroad Track
Maintenance Credit on your federal return,
include the amount of the disallowed
expenditures as a negative number.
Secon 113. Mine Rescue Team Training
If you were not allowed to deduct expenses
due to the Mine Rescue Team Training
Credit on your federal return, include the
amount of the disallowed expenses as a
negative number.
Secon 114. Classicaon of Certain Race
Horses as 3-year Property
If you own race horses and you claimed
a 3-year recovery period on your federal
return, calculate the dierence between the
3-year recovery period and the recovery
period you would have been allowed under
2018 IRC. If your recovery period reported
on your federal return is greater than the
recalculated amount, include the dierence
as a positive number. If your recovery
period reported on your federal return is
less than the recalculated amount, include
the dierence as a negative number.
Secon 115. 7-year Recovery Period for
Motorsports Entertainment Complexes
If you have a motorsports entertainment
complex and you claimed a 7-year recovery
period on your federal return, calculate
the dierence between the 7-year recovery
period and the recovery period you would
have been allowed under 2018 IRC. If your
recovery period reported on your federal
return is greater than the recalculated
amount, include the dierence as a positive
number. If your recovery period reported
on your federal return is less than the
recalculated amount, include the dierence
as a negative number.
Secon 116. Accelerated Depreciaon for
Business Property on Indian Reservaons
If you have qualied Indian reservation
property and claimed accelerated deprecia-
tion, calculate the depreciation you would
have been allowed under 2018 IRC. If your
depreciation reported on your federal return
is greater than the recalculated amount,
include the dierence as a positive number.
Purpose of This Schedule
Rules used in determining Minnesota indi-
vidual income tax are based on the Internal
Revenue Code. Federal tax law was enacted
and contained provisions aecting tax year
2017. Minnesota tax law enacted on May
31, 2019 disallows the tax eect of the
provisions listed on this schedule.
If you are aected by the provisions listed
below, you will need to use Schedule
M1NC, Federal Adjustments, to make
needed adjustments when ling Form M1,
Individual Income Tax.
Under current law, denitions used in
determining Minnesota taxable income are
based on the Internal Revenue Code (IRC),
as amended through December 31, 2018
(2018 IRC). Since that date, Congress has
enacted the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster
Tax Relief Act (TCDTR) and the Corona-
virus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security
(CARES) Act, which contains changes
aecting businesses for tax year 2017.
Because Minnesota has not adopted these
federal changes, adjustments are required to
correctly determine your Minnesota taxable
income. Use the instructions on line 4 to
calculate nonconformity adjustments relat-
ing to the TCDTR and CARES Act.
If you are amending your 2017 federal
return solely for federal changes un-
der the TCDTR or CARES Act, write
“TCDTR” or “CARES” in red at the top
of the Minnesota Form M1X.
Who Must File Schedule M1NC
You must complete Schedule M1NC if any
of the following apply:
You claimed a deduction for tuition and
fees on line 34 of federal Form 1040 or
line 19 of Form 1040A.
You deducted mortgage insurance premi-
ums on line 13 of federal Schedule A.
You recognized deferred foreign income
under Internal Revenue Code, section
Line Instrucons
Lines “This line intenonally le
Do not enter amounts for lines labeled
“This line intentionally left blank.” These
lines were required prior to Minnesota tax
law changes enacted on May 31, 2019.
Line 4
Tuion and Fees Deducon
The federal deduction for tuition and fees is
2017 Schedule M1NC Instrucons
On May 30, 2019, Minnesota law was updated to recognize the Internal Revenue Code as amended through December 31, 2018.
The law disallows the tax eect of the federal provisions on this schedule.
If your depreciation reported on your federal
return is less than the recalculated amount,
include the dierence as a negative number.
Secon 117. Expensing Rules for Certain
If you were allowed to deduct instead of
capitalize expenditures related to a qualied
lm, television, and theatrical productions
on your federal return, include the excess
expense deducted as a positive number.
Secon 118. Empowerment Zone Tax
If you had a tax change relating to an
empowerment zone that impacted your
FTI on your federal return, reverse the tax
impacts to your FTI.
Secon 122. Second Generaon Biofuel
Producer Credit
If you claimed the Second Generation
Biofuel Producer Credit on your federal
return that impacted your FTI, reverse the
tax impacts to your FTI.
Secon 124. Qualied Fuel Cell Motor
If you claimed the credit for Qualied Fuel
Cell Motor Vehicles on your federal return
that impacted your FTI, reverse the tax
impacts to your FTI.
Secon 125. Alternave Fuel Refueling
Property Credit
If you claimed the Alternative Fuel
Refueling Property Credit on your federal
return, adjust the property’s basis without
regard to the basis reduction required under
2019 IRC. Include any adjustments to FTI as
a result of this Minnesota change in basis.
Secon 126. 2-Wheeled Plug-in Electric
Vehicle Credit
If you claimed the 2-Wheeled Plug-In
Electric Vehicle Credit on your federal
return, adjust the vehicle’s basis without
regard to the basis reduction required under
2019 IRC. Include any adjustments to FTI as
a result of this Minnesota change in basis.
Secon 129. Energy Ecient Homes Credit
If you claimed the Energy Ecient Homes
Credit on your federal return, adjust the
property’s basis without regard to the basis
reduction required under 2019 IRC. Include
any adjustments to FTI as a result of this
Minnesota change in basis.
Secon 130. Special Allowance for Second
Generaon Biofuel Plant Property
If you were allowed to deduct the additional
rst-year 50-percent bonus depreciation for
cellulosic biofuel facilities on your federal
return, include the additional depreciation as
a positive number.
Secon 131. Energy Ecient Commercial
Buildings Deducon
If you claimed an energy ecient
commercial buildings deduction on your
federal return that impacted your FTI,
reverse the tax impacts to your FTI.
Secon 132. Special Rule for Sales or
Disposions to Implement FERC or State
Electric Restructuring Policy for Qualied
Electric Ulies
If you elected to recognize gain from
qualifying electric transmission transactions
ratably over an eight-year period on your
federal return, include the amount of the
deferred gain as a positive number.
Secon 203. Employee Retenon Credit for
Employers Aected by Qualied Disasters
If you were not allowed to deduct wages due
to the Employee Retention Credit on your
federal return, include the amount of the
disallowed wages as a negative number.
Adjustments under the CARES Act
Secon 2303. Allowance of Net Operang
Loss Carrybacks and suspended 80% limita-
The CARES Act allowed net operating
losses from tax years 2018 through 2020 to
be carried back ve years and up to 100%
of taxable income. For Minnesota purposes,
If you are carrying back a net operating
loss generated in any of those years, your
carrbyack is limited to two years and only if
the loss is generated by a farming activity.
All net operating losses that are not from a
farm activity must be included as a positive
number. If the loss is from a farm activity,
you must include the amount of your federal
deduction that exceeds 80% of taxable in-
come as a positive amount number.
Net operang loss carryback from 2018
If you are carrying back a net operating
loss from 2018 (and it is not a farming loss
eligible to be carried back under the IRC as
amended through December 31, 2018), enter
the full amount of the carryback you claimed
from your federal return on line 4.
If you are carrying back a net operating loss
from 2018 that is a farming loss, your state
NOL deduction is limited to 80% of taxable
income. If you carried a farm loss back to
2016, you must use the 2016 Minnesota
instructions to determine your allowable
NOL that is carried over into 2017. Include
the amount of your net operating loss deduc-
tion from a farm activity that exceeds 80%
of taxable income on line 4 as a positive
Secon 2307. Qualied Improvement Prop-
erty Technical Fix
The CARES Act extended eligibility for
federal bonus depreciation to qualied
leasehold improvement property, qualied
restaurant property, and qualied retail im-
provement property eective with property
placed in service after December 31, 2017.
If you claimed federal bonus depreciation on
this type of property, determine the dier-
ence between the federal bonus deprecia tion
you claimed on this property and the cost
recovery or expensing method deduction you
would have been able to claim prior to the
CARES Act. This may include a Minnesota
modication for section 179 expensing.
Include the result as a positive number.
If you led an amended federal return
increasing your federal bonus depre ciation
as a result of this provision of the CARES
Act, do not adjust your Minnesota addition
for bonus depreciation on line 5 of Schedule
Line 12
The federal deduction for mortgage
insurance premiums is allowed for tax year
2017 on your federal return. This deduction
is not allowed for Minnesota purposes.
Include the amount from line 12 of federal
Schedule A on line 13 of this schedule.
Line 14
Enter the amount of deferred foreign income
recognized on your federal return under
section 965 of the Internal Revenue Code.
This amount is the section 965(a) inclusion
amount reduced by section 965(c).
If you received Schedule KPI and Schedule
KS, include the amount from line 10 of those
If you received Schedule KF, include the
amount from line 16 of that schedule.