Event Planning and
Promotions Worksheet
Fresno State Alumni Association | www.fresnostatealumni.com | Phone: 559.278.ALUM | Fax: 559.278.6790
1. All events must be coordinated through the Fresno State Alumni Association, including online registration and
payment processing. Use of third party providers (i.e. Event Brite, Constant Contact, etc.) is not allowed.
2. Please complete and submit this form 45-60 days prior to the date of your event. Email to Amanda Hall
3. The information you provide on this form will help in event promotions. This includes graphic design, event
collateral, email marketing, social media, etc.; online registration, payment processing, etc.
4. To help ensure we are able to provide as much help as possible, after you send to the FSAA we will contact you
to review the event and additional details.
Social/Mixer – Alumni/Friends only
Social/Mixer – Alumni/Friends & students
Fundraiser – Scholarship endowment
Educational event (i.e. conference, talk)
Other: _______________________________
Do you plan on including a silent auction at your event?
Do you plan on including a raffle (opportunity drawing prize) at your event?
Do you plan on giving away or selling any kind of promotional products?
Event description:
Important: Please write clearly and be as descriptive as possible. The information you provide is what will appear on the event registration page
(viewed by the public). FSAA staff will help provide copy/edit services. If more convenient, you may provide this description in a separate email.
1-If yes, we will work with you to identify the appropriate licensed vendor to order the product(s) from.
2-If alcohol is present, and this is an on-campus event, you must complete an alcohol waiver form. This information will be provided to you by FSAA.
3-If your event is located on the Fresno State campus, we are required to use University Catering Services. If you wish to use another food vendor, you
must submit a food waiver application at least 45 days in advance. This information will be provided to you by FSAA staff.