A Developmental English
Proficiency Test
The ADEPT is a valid and reliable oral language
assessment instrument (aligned with the CELDT) that
can be used with students across grade levels K-8.
ADEPT assesses a student’s ability to understand and
generate utterances using a scope and sequence of
language forms or structures, across the five levels of
English proficiency.
ADEPT results can help teachers:
Monitor student progress in English proficiency
Identify a student’s instructional level for
Systematic ELD instruction
Understand a student’s language abilities for
dierentiated instruction
Inform planning for Systematic ELD, Frontloading
Language, and Reading/Language Arts Instruction
The 2.5-hour ADEPT training
includes viewing of an interactive
DVD, practice administering and
scoring ADEPT sub-tests, analyzing
results, and participating in small
group discussions regarding
instructional implications.
Date: !! October 18, 2016
Time: ! 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Location: ! California Lutheran University
! ! Lundring Events Center
! ! 130 Overton Court
! ! Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Cost: !! $145 per person
Presenter: ! Teresa Nunez,
!!Bilingual ELD Teacher
! ! Specialist/Support Provider,
! ! Ventura Unified School District
California Reading and Literature Project at
California Lutheran University
Questions? Contact Lydia Chung at
chung@callutheran.edu or (805) 493-3705
California Reading and Literature Project at
California Lutheran University
Please print clearly and fill out all sections.
Please print clearly and fill out all sections.
Position, Grade Level(s):
Position, Grade Level(s):
Training Location:
California Lutheran University
Lundring Events Center
130 Overton Court
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Time: 4:00pm - 6:30pm
Cost: $145 per person
To register, please fill out the form below and fax or mail with check or purchase order to:
California Lutheran University - CRLP!! ! ! Fax: (805) 493-3835
60 West Olsen Road #4100! ! ! ! ! Phone: (805) 493-3705
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360! ! ! ! ! Email: chung@callutheran.edu
! !
Attn: Lydia Chung! ! ! ! ! ! Questions? Email Lydia Chung above.
Please make checks or purchase orders payable to: California Lutheran University - CRLP
~~~ Registration Deadline: October 7, 2016 ~~~
Refund Policy:
Cancellations received prior to October 7, 2016 will be fully refunded.
Cancellations received AFTER October 7, 2016 will NOT be refunded.
To cancel registration, contact Lydia Chung at chung@callutheran.edu
or call (805) 493-3705.
ADEPT: A Developmental English Proficiency Test
Registration Form