2016 Earned Income Tax Credit Table
Caution: This is not a tax table. If you are married filing separately you do not qualify for this credit.
Page 6 FTB 3514 2016
1. To find your credit, read down the “At least - But not over” columns and find the line that includes the amount you were told to look up from your
California Earned Income Tax Credit Worksheet.
2. Then, go to the column that includes the number of qualifying children you have. Enter the credit from that column on your California Earned
Income Tax Credit Worksheet.
If the amount you are
looking up from
the worksheet is . . .
And your number of qualifying children is
But Not
0 1 2 3
Your credit is . . .
4,501 4,550 143 1,308 1,539 1,731
4,551 4,600 139 1,322 1,556 1,750
4,601 4,650 136 1,337 1,573 1,769
4,651 4,700 133 1,351 1,590 1,788
4,701 4,750 130 1,366 1,607 1,808
4,751 4,800 126 1,380 1,624 1,827
4,801 4,850 123 1,395 1,641 1,846
4,851 4,900 120 1,409 1,658 1,865
4,901 4,950 117 1,423 1,675 1,884
4,951 5,000 113 1,438 1,692 1,903
5,001 5,050 110 1,452 1,709 1,922
5,051 5,100 107 1,449 1,726 1,941
5,101 5,150 104 1,434 1,743 1,961
5,151 5,200 100 1,420 1,760 1,980
5,201 5,250 97 1,405 1,777 1,999
5,251 5,300 94 1,391 1,794 2,018
5,301 5,350 91 1,376 1,811 2,037
5,351 5,400 87 1,362 1,828 2,056
5,401 5,450 84 1,347 1,845 2,075
5,451 5,500 81 1,333 1,862 2,094
5,501 5,550 78 1,319 1,879 2,114
5,551 5,600 74 1,304 1,896 2,133
5,601 5,650
71 1,290 1,913 2,152
5,651 5,700 68 1,275 1,930 2,171
5,701 5,750 65 1,261 1,947 2,190
5,751 5,800 61 1,246 1,964 2,209
5,801 5,850 58 1,232 1,981 2,228
5,851 5,900 55 1,217 1,998 2,247
5,901 5,950 52 1,203 2,015 2,267
5,951 6,000 48 1,189 2,032 2,286
6,001 6,050 45 1,174 2,049 2,305
6,051 6,100 42 1,160 2,066 2,324
6,101 6,150 39 1,145 2,083 2,343
6,151 6,200 35 1,131 2,100 2,362
6,201 6,250 32 1,116 2,117 2,381
6,251 6,300 29 1,102 2,134 2,400
6,301 6,350 26 1,087 2,151 2,420
6,351 6,400 22 1,073 2,168 2,439
6,401 6,450 19 1,058 2,185 2,458
6,451 6,500 16 1,044 2,202 2,477
6,501 6,550 13 1,030 2,219 2,496
6,551 6,600 9 1,015 2,236 2,515
6,601 6,650 6 1,001 2,253 2,534
6,651 6,700 3 986 2,270 2,553
6,701 6,750 * 972 2,287 2,573
6,751 6,800 0 957 2,304 2,592
6,801 6,850 0 943 2,321 2,611
6,851 6,900 0 928 2,338 2,630
6,901 6,950 0 914 2,355 2,649
6,951 7,000 0 900 2,372 2,668
7,001 7,050 0 885 2,389 2,687
7,051 7,100 0 871 2,406 2,706
7,101 7,150 0 856 2,392 2,691
7,151 7,200 0 842 2,375 2,672
7,201 7,250 0 827 2,358 2,653
7,251 7,300 0 813 2,341 2,634
7,301 7,350 0 798 2,324 2,615
7,351 7,400 0 784 2,307 2,596
7,401 7,450 0 769 2,290 2,577
7,451 7,500 0 755 2,273 2,558
7,501 7,550 0 741 2,256 2,538
7,551 7,600 0 726 2,239 2,519
7,601 7,650 0 712 2,222 2,500
7,651 7,700 0 697 2,205 2,481
7,701 7,750 0 683 2,188 2,462
7,751 7,800 0 668 2,171 2,443
7,801 7,850 0 654 2,154 2,424
7,851 7,900 0 639 2,137 2,405
7,901 7,950 0 625 2,120 2,385
7,951 8,000 0 611 2,103 2,366
8,001 8,050 0 596 2,086 2,347
8,051 8,100 0 582 2,069 2,328
8,101 8,150 0 567 2,052 2,309
8,151 8,200 0 553 2,035 2,290
8,201 8,250 0 538 2,018 2,271
8,251 8,300 0 524 2,001 2,252
8,301 8,350 0 509 1,984 2,232
8,351 8,400 0 495 1,967 2,213
8,401 8,450 0 480 1,950 2,194
8,451 8,500 0 466 1,933 2,175
8,501 8,550 0 452 1,916 2,156
8,551 8,600 0 437 1,899 2,137
8,601 8,650 0 423 1,882 2,118
8,651 8,700 0 408 1,865 2,099
8,701 8,750 0 394 1,848 2,079
8,751 8,800 0 379 1,831 2,060
8,801 8,850 0 365 1,814 2,041
8,851 8,900 0 350 1,797 2,022
8,901 8,950 0 336 1,780 2,003
8,951 9,000
0 322 1,763 1,984
If the amount you are
looking up from
the worksheet is . . .
And your number of qualifying children is
But Not
0 1 2 3
Your credit is . . .