2016 Summer Institute-Level 1
Introduction to the Biblical Foundation Course Design Model
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9: 9-10 (NIV)
Program Description and Introduction:
The Summer Institute-Level 1 is designed to deepen the understanding of planning instruction to naturally include a biblical
foundation and a biblical Christian worldview within the teaching and learning experiences. Faculty will work collaboratively to
understand and use the elements, benefits, and best practices of Southern’s Biblical Foundation Course Design Model to design or
redesign a course to be taught during the fall or winter of the upcoming school year. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing active
learning techniques to meet individual millennial students’ needs and their calling, career, and vocations.
This will be an intensive one-week immersion in the process of curricular design, with support group meetings two or three times
during the school year following the Summer Institute. All participants should be prepared to invest all of this time in deep
engagement in the process. When applicants apply, they will identify a specific course to work on and submit a current syllabus if
this is a course redesign. All sessions will be highly participatory and must be attended. We will challenge professors to continually
consider new ideas and include novel approaches into the newly designed course which will identify a biblical course concept,
biblical examples (BEs), declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge components, learning outcomes (LOs), and active teaching
and learning activities (T/LA), with a fully developed feedback plan and an assessment plan. Institute attendees will acquire a new
lens through which to view the use of the higher education Biblical Foundation Course Design Model and teaching to millennial
learners, active teaching and learning strategies, as well as ways to move the course design/redesign process forward with other
Who is Eligible? Full-time Southern Adventist University professors
Summer Institute-Level 1 Dates: June 6-10 or July 11-15, 2016
Program Incentives: Academic Administration is partnering with the Center to provide each professor a $500 stipend once the
course design/redesign syllabus is completed and submitted. The newly designed/redesigned course documents are to be
electronically submitted to the Summer Institute eClass site before the stipend request will be processed. Once approved the
syllabus must then be uploaded into the professor’s course eClass site and the university’s course schedule, along with appropriate
reading materials, modules, rubrics and checklists. You will be also need to sign up to share at an up-coming Faculty Showcase.
Application Deadline is Monday, May 5, 2016. Application Process: Email a completed application including a copy of the current
course syllabus to cte@southern.edu
For More Information: Please contact Cynthia Gettys, 423-236-2285 or Elaine Plemons, 423-236-2085.
End of 2016 Summer Institute-Level 1
Biblical Foundation Course Design Checklist
The following must be completed and submitted with the new Course Syllabus to receive the $500 Summer
Institute bonus. The participant:
o Attended entire summer session June 6-10 or July 11-15, 2016.
o Completed activities for participation & all peer review conferences during the Summer Institute.
o Completed and posted to the Summer Institute eClass site;
o Biblical Foundation Course Concept Map,
o Learner Outcomes,
o Feedback Plan,
o Assessment Plan, and
o Revised Course Syllabus.
o The course syllabus is completed using the Syllabus Checklist and posted online in the university
Course Schedule, and includes:
o The Biblical Foundation Course Concept Map and accompanying Learner Outcomes.
o A biblical foundation rationale and Christian worldview for the course content.
o Methods of instruction paragraph which includes best practices from research, the use of
eClass, and a list of instructional technologies students will be using.
o A descriptive Feedback Plan telling students how and when they will get feedback from the
professor, along with how they will provide the professor with feedback throughout the course.
o An Assessment Plan where procedures are outlined including formative and summative
assessment and the grading scale.
o Agrees to meet with the Summer Institute peer group two or three times during the school year to
share, support, and evaluate the impact of the curricular changes.
o Has scheduled to share during a 2016-2017 Faculty Showcase, the impact and/or changes made to
their course as a result of their participation in Summer Institute.
The signature below indicates the course design/redesign checklist has been completed, and submitted.
Professor Signature
I will be attending all group sessions from:
June 6-10, 2016
□ July 11-15, 2016
Name_______________________________________ School/Department__________________________________
Contact information Office Phone____________ Cell Phone______________ email_________________________
Course Number and Name____________________________________________________________________
Please briefly answer the following questions:
1. Please explain why you are interested in attending the Summer Institute.
2. Identify one or two areas of teaching where you would like to explore alternative instructional strategies.
Your willingness to participate in the Summer Institute of your choice assures us you will be attending all sessions of
the Summer Institute and have no conflicts with vacations, family, or business plans during the dates of the Summer
Institute from June 6-10, or July 11-15, 2016.
Include the current course syllabus. Email all (application and current syllabus) to cte@southern.edu
TENTATIVE June 6-10 & July 11-15, 2016 Summer Institute Schedule
During Class Assignments
(6/6 or 7/11)
Session 1
Biblical Foundations & Biblical
Christian Worldview,
Teaching Millennials, &
Intro to Biblical Foundation Course
Design Model
Write a rationale which outlines the Biblical
Christian Worldview of your course to be included
in your syllabus
Bring Your Bible & your own Laptop everyday
Session 2
Step 1: Create a Biblical Foundation
Course Concept Map
Biblical Concept & Defining Sentence,
Biblical Examples, Declarative
Knowledge and Procedural Knowledge
Determine a biblical course concept for your
course and the defining sentence connecting your
biblical concept to the course content. Highlight
biblical examples, and Identify the declarative
knowledge and the procedural knowledge covered
in your course
(6/7 or 7/12)
Session 3
Peer Review- Biblical Foundation Course
Concept Map Worksheets
Step 2: Write the Learning
Change Theory,
Millennial Students,
Calling & Career
Bring 2 printed copies of your Biblical Foundation Course
Concept Map Worksheets for 2 Peer Reviews of your
biblical examples, the declarative knowledge, and
procedural knowledge with partner
Write a Learning Outcome for each of the declarative
knowledge and the procedural knowledge components
Session 4
Step 3: Select Your
Teaching/Learning Activities
Teaching Millennials
Select at least 3 active T/LAs to use in your course-
tie to specific declarative and procedural
knowledge statements
(6/8 or 7/13)
Session 5
Peer Review- Learning Outcomes
Using the Template to Create the
Biblical Foundation Course
Concept Map
Bring 2 printed copies of Learning Outcomes for 2
Peer Reviews
Design your Biblical Foundation
Course Concept Map
Session 6
Using eClass to Facilitate
Millennial Learning
Working with Panopto
(6/9 or 7/14)
Session 7
Step 4: Prepare a Feedback Plan
Continue Biblical Foundation
Course Concept Map creation with
the Template
Write a Feedback Plan to use in your SyllabusUse
Feedback Plan Rubric to assess plan
Session 8
Step 5: Prepare an Assessment
Step 6: Checking for Alignment
Teaching Millennials
Write an Assessment Plan for your SyllabusUse
Assessment Plan Rubric to assess plan
(6/10 or 7/15)
Session 9
Peer Review-Biblical Foundation Course
Concept Map
Step 7: Preparing the Syllabus
Bring 2 printed copies of your Course Concept Map
for 2 Peer Reviews
Construct a Course Syllabus: include your Course
Concept Map
Session 10
Peer Review- Course Syllabus
Review 12 Tips for Teaching
Millennials—Readers’ Theater
Summer Institute Wrap-Up
Bring two copies of your finished Course
SyllabusUse Course Syllabus Checklist for Peer