2016-2017 ASSIST Student Performance Review Instructions
for Student Supervisors
How to Complete Your Portions
Please read before attempting to have your students and parents complete their performance
There are four sections to the 2016-17 PFE Student Performance review—the student’s
section, the Program Administrator or Student Supervisor’s section, the Facility
Administrator’s and the Senior Mentor’s section. Please distribute the instructions for students
before they fill anything out. Once the student portion is submitted, they will receive a
confirmation email and you will receive a notification email. In your notification email, there will
be a link to access their portion of the review.
It will be helpful to have the questions for the Facility Administrator and Senior Mentor
sections ahead of time so that the Senior Mentor Liaison and Student Supervisor may conduct
interviews to obtain the answers before this review is completed. They are attached to the end
of these instructions.
For your knowledge, the link to the performance review is on the front page of our
website, www.southern.edu/assistpfe, and is in the “ASSIST – Academy Students” section above
the application and visitation reflection links (see snapshot below)—
1. When a student completes their portion of the performance review, you will receive an
email that looks like the picture below, with “[Student’s} 2016-17 PFE Student
Performance Review Has Been Submitted”.
2. Click on the link that says “Edit Submission”. You also have the option of downloading a
PDF of the student’s responses before you complete the rest of the review.