California Lutheran University Office of Financial Aid
2015-16 Worksheet for Determining Support
CLU Office of Financial Aid
60 West Olsen Road #1375
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
FAX: (805) 493-3114
This worksheet is used to demonstrate how the student is financially supporting a child, or
person other than a spouse, in order to qualify as an independent student for financial aid
Student's Last Name
Student's First Name
CLU ID # or Social Security Number
Date of Birth
Current phone number (include area code)
Name of Person Supported
Funds Belonging to the Person You Supported
Amount per Year
1. Enter the total funds belonging to the person you supported, including income received
(taxable and nontaxable) and amounts borrowed during the year, plus the amount in
savings and other accounts at the beginning of the year. Do not include funds provided by
the state; include those amounts on line 23 instead
2. Enter the amount on line 1 that was used for the person's support
3. Enter the amount on line 1 that was used for other purposes
4. Enter the total amount in the person's savings and other accounts at the end of the year
5. Add lines 2 through 4. (This amount should equal line 1.)
Expenses for Entire Household (where the person you supported lived)
Amount per Year
6. Lodging (complete line 6a or 6b):
6a. Enter the total rent or mortgage paid
6b. Enter the fair value of the home. If the person you supported owned the home, also
include this amount in line 21
7. Enter the total food expenses
8. Enter the total amount of utilities (heat, light, water, etc. not included in line 6a or 6b)
9. Enter the total amount of repairs (not included in line 6a or 6b)
10. Enter the total of other expenses. Do not include expenses of maintaining the home, such
as mortgage interest, real estate taxes, cable, credit card, pool maintenance, etc.
11. Add lines 6a through 10. These are the total household expenses
12. Enter total number of persons who lived in the household
Expenses for the Person You Supported
13. Divide line 11 by line 12. This is the person's share of the household expenses
Amount per Year
14. Enter the person's total clothing expenses
15. Enter the person's total education expenses
16. Enter the person's total medical and dental expenses not paid for or reimbursed by
17. Enter the person's total travel and recreation expenses
18. Enter the total of the person's other expenses not included above
19. Add lines 13 through 18. This is the total cost of the person's support for the year
Did the Person Provide More Than Half of His or Her Own Support?
20. Multiply line 19 by 50% (.50)
21. Enter the amount from line 2, plus the amount from line 6b if the person you supported
owned the home. This is the amount the person provided for his or her own support
22. Is line 21 more than line 20?
No. You meet the support test for this person to be your qualifying child. If this person also meets the other tests
to be a qualifying child, stop here; do not complete lines 2326. Otherwise, go to line 23 and fill out the rest of
the worksheet to determine if this person is your qualifying relative.
Yes. You do not meet the support test for this person to be either a qualifying child or qualifying relative.
Stop here.
Did You Provide More Than Half?
Amount per Year
23. Enter the amount others provided for the person's support. Include amounts provided by
state, local, and other welfare societies or agencies. Do not include any amounts included
on line 1
24. Add lines 21 and 23
25. Subtract line 24 from line 19. This is the amount you provided for the person's support
26. Is line 25 more than line 20?
Yes. You meet the support test for this person to be your qualifying relative.
No. You do not meet the support test for this person to be your qualifying relative.
I hereby certify that all information reported on this form and any attachments hereto is true, complete, and accurate.
False statements or misrepresentation will be cause for denial, reduction, withdrawal, and/or repayment of financial aid.
Student’s Signature - Required
Parent’s Signature - Required
Signature of Person You Supported
Required when any positive amount(s) are listed in Box 1 and/or Box 23 (if over the age of 18)