2014–2015 Verification W
Independent Student - Tracking Group V
Your 2014–2015 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was selected for review in a process called verification. The law says that
before awarding Federal Student Aid, we may ask you to confirm the information you and your spouse (if married) reported on your FAFSA. To
verify that you provided correct information the financial aid administrator at your school will compare your FAFSA with the information on this
worksheet and with any other required documents. If there are differences, your FAFSA informatio
n may need to be corrected. You must
complete and sign this worksheet, attach any required documents, and submit the form and other required documents to the financial aid
administrator at your school. Your school may ask for additional information. If you have questions about verification, contact your financial aid
administrator as soon as possible so that your financial aid will not be delayed.
A. Independent Student’s Information
Student’s SSN or ID Number
Student’s Street Address (include apt. no.)
Student’s Alternate or Cell Phone Number
B. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
Check the appropriate box below:
No one included in the household on the FAFSA received SNAP benefits in 2012 or 2013.
One of the persons included in household on the FAFSA received SNAP benefits in 2012 or 2013. If asked by the student’s school, I
will provide documentation of the receipt of SNAP benefits during 2012 and/or 2013.
C. Child support paid
Check the appropriate box below:
No child support was paid for individuals outside of the household in 2013.
The student or student’s spouse listed in the household paid child support in 2013 for a child not included in the household on the
FAFSA. Indicate below the name of the person who paid the child support, the name of the person to whom the child support was
paid, the names of the children for whom child support was paid, and the total annual amount of child support that was paid in 2013
for each child. If asked by the school, I will provide documentation of the payment of child support. If you need more space, attach a
separate page that includes the student’s name and Social Security Nu
mber at the top.
Child Support was P
Name of Child for Whom
Was P
Paid in
D. High School Completion Status
Check the box of the document you will attach to this worksheet
High school diploma or high school transcript including graduation
A copy of the student’s General Educational Development (GED) certificate, an official GED transcript that indicates the student passed
the exam, or a state-authorized high school equivalent certificate
For students who completed secondary education in a foreign country, a copy of the “secondary school leaving certificate” or other
similar document.
Academic transcript of a successfully completed two-year program acceptable for full credit toward a bachelor’s degree.
For a homeschooled student from a state where state law requires the student to obtain a secondary school completion credential for
homeschool (other than a high school diploma or its recognized equivalent), a copy of that credential.