Most students elect to stay in housing provided by the Paris Summer Program at the Cite International
University of Paris (CIUP). If you do not wish to stay in the CIUP housing (single, dorm-style studios),
please indicate so here and explain your alternative housing arrangements.
I will stay in CIUP housing arranged by the Paris Summer Program.
I will make alternate housing arrangements (described here):_____________________________________
If you would like to be contacted about the option of a two- or four-week internship with a French law
firm at the conclusion of the academic program, please indicate below. Most internships require some French
language ability and payment of an administrative fee to the institution organizing the internships. Students with
strong French skills are especially encouraged to apply for an internship.
No, thank you. Yes, I am interested in internship options.
A $250 deposit is required.
Select one:
Please charge my credit card $250
Cardholder Name (print): _____________________________________________ Expiration Date: _____/_____
Card Number (Visa/MC only): ___________________________ Signature: ______________________________
Please send the above Credit Card Authorization or a check for $250 payable to "Golden Gate University
School of Law" and mail all documents to:
"GGU Law, PARIS SUMMER PROGRAM, 536 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94105."
Read the following, then sign and date:
I agree that in partial consideration for Golden Gate University, Albany Law School, and the University of Paris (collectively,
the "Universities")'s sponsorship of this program and permitting me to participate, I (including my parents, spouse, partner,
guardians, and legal representatives) shall not attempt to hold the Universities, their trustees, officers, employees, faculty, and
agents liable for any injury, death, or loss to person or property suffered by me while participating in the program.
I understand that I am responsible for providing myself with medical and emergency evacuation insurance.
I understand that in case of a medical emergency a program representative will attempt to contact the person designated on
this form as my emergency medical contact, but I agree that if contact is not practical under the circumstances the program
representative may secure any necessary medical treatment, including anesthesia and surgery.
I agree that if a legal dispute arises out of my participation in the program it will be resolved under the laws of the State of
California, and that the proper forum for resolving the dispute will be limited to binding arbitration in San Francisco, California
under the auspices of the American Arbitration Association.
I affirm that the information I have provided on the application form, this deposit form, and on any other materials submitted
by me is complete, accurate, and true to the best of my knowledge. I authorize each college or school I have attended to
release academic and personal information related to this application upon request by Albany Law School or Golden Gate
University. I agree to submit other material, if requested, for this application. I agree that, as a student, I am subject to the Albany
Law School or Golden Gate University's Standards of Conduct. I understand that my furnishing false or incomplete information
may result in cancellation of admission.
I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms set forth in the “AGPLVVLRQ5HTXLUHPHQWVDQGWKH5HIXQG3ROLF\” in the
Paris summer program site on The West Education Network (TWEN).
__________________________________________ ______________________________________
Signature Date
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