Final Project Report
Name Department
Title of Project
Semester(s) Effective
1. Did you complete this project satisfactorily? _____ Yes _____ No (If the answer is “No,”
please explain.)
2. Please briefly summarize the results, findings, etc.
Sep 02 2014
Alexander Shibakov
Trajectory planning for wheeled robots over curved surfaces
Fall 2013, Spring 2014
Characterized the dynamics and kinematics of wheeled welding robots, created an approach
to study the movement of wheeled robots on cylindrical surfaces
3. Did the project result in a book, journal article, or paper presented at a scholarly meeting?
_____ Yes _____ No (If the answer is “Yes,” please complete the following and supply
the committee with reprints of articles and papers, if possible.)
For books
Title Publisher Date of Publication
For articles
Title Publisher Date of Publication
For papers
Title Publisher Date of Publication
4. One of the chief purposes of the Faculty Research Program is to provide a beginning impetus
for larger research projects that may be assisted by outside agencies. Did the work on your
faculty research project lead you to apply for external funding? _____ Yes _____ No
(If “Yes,” please give details.)
(Use extra sheets if necessary to complete any answer.)
Please submit one copy of this report to the Office of Research to ssparks@tntech.edu
Proceedings of the ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conf.
Computers and Information in Engineering Conference,August, 2014, Buffalo NY, USA