Packet Tracer – Exploring File and Data Encryption
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What is the username and password for Bob’s FTP account?
Part 4: Download Confidential Data using FTP
Step 1: Remotely connect to the FTP server.
a. Within the Metropolis Bank HQ site, click the PC Bob.
b. Click the Desktop tab and then click Command Prompt.
c. Connect to the FTP/Web server within the Metropolis Bank HQ by entering ftp in the
command prompt.
d. Enter the username/password credentials located in Part 3 Step 2
Step 2: Download the file to Bob’s PC.
a. At the ftp> prompt, enter the command dir to view the current files stored on the remote FTP server.
b. Mary had uploaded the clientinfo.txt file containing encrypted healthcare client information.
Download the clientinfo.txt file to Bob’s PC by entering the command get clientinfo.txt.
c. At the ftp> prompt, enter the command quit.
d. At the PC> prompt, enter the command dir and verify the clientinfo.txt file is now Bob’s PC.
If cyber criminals were to capture the file transfer crossing the Internet, what would be in clear text?
Part 5: Decrypt the Contents of the clientinfo.txt File
Step 1: Receive the decryption key from Mary.
a. Within the Metropolis Bank HQ site, click the PC Bob.
b. Click the Desktop tab and then click Email.
c. In the Email window, click Receive.
d. Click on the Email with the subject “Decryption Key” and record the decryption key below.
What is the decryption key to access the confidential information in the clientinfo.txt file?
Step 2: Decrypt the contents of the clientinfo.txt file.
a. Within the Metropolis Bank HQ site, click the PC Bob.
b. Click the Desktop tab and then click Text Editor.
c. In the Text Editor window, click File > Open.
d. Click the document clientinfo.txt and click OK.
e. Highlight all the text from the clientinfo.txt file and copy it.
f. Open a web browser on your personal computer and browse to the website
g. Click the whitespace on the right of the website and paste in the encrypted text.