taxable to a resident of Alabama. The amount to be
reported would be the same as reported on your
Federal return except for income from those sources
previously listed as exempt.
Line 4
Business Income or (Loss)
If you conducted a business or practiced a pro-
fession during the taxable year, you must complete
and attach a copy of Federal Schedule C or C-EZ
to your Alabama return.
Generally, you may deduct the ordinary and nec-
essary expenses of doing business — the cost of
merchandise, salaries, interest, taxes, rent, repairs,
and incidental supplies.
In the case of capital investments and improve-
ments in depreciable property such as buildings, ma-
chines, and similar items having a useful life of more
than one year, Alabama law provides for a “reason-
able allowance” for depreciation over the useful life
of the property.
If some of your expenses are part business and
part personal, you can deduct ONLY the business
Adjustments to Federal Schedules C and F. Ala-
bama law differs from federal law in the treatment of
some of the expenses shown on Federal Schedules
C, and F, and certain items may need adjusting for
Alabama purposes. The expenses which may need
adjusting are:
Percentage Depletion Gas and Oil. In the case
of oil and gas wells, the allowance for depletion
shall be 12 percent of the gross income from the
property during the taxable year, excluding from
such gross income an amount equal to any rents
or royalties paid or incurred by the taxpayer in re-
spect to the property. Such amounts shall not ex-
ceed 50 percent of the net income of the
taxpayer, computed without allowance for deple-
tion, from the property, except that in no case
shall the depletion allowance be less than the
amount allowable under federal income tax law.
Cost Depletion Natural Resources Other than
Gas and Oil. Alabama law has no provision for
percentage depletion of natural resources other
than gas and oil, as currently allowed under fed-
eral law. For Alabama purposes, the depletion al-
lowance shall be computed using the cost
depletion method.
Depreciation. Alabama law allows IRC Section
179 Expense for all taxable years beginning after
December 31, 1989. Adjustments may be nec-
essary if assets were acquired and placed in
service prior to tax years beginning January 1,
Targeted “Jobs Credit.” You may have been al-
lowed to take a portion of your payroll expense as
a “Targeted Jobs Credit” on your federal return.
This is an allowable expense for Alabama income
tax purposes.
Passive Activity Losses. Alabama law has no
provision, similar to current federal law, which lim-
its the deduction of passive trade or business ac-
tivity losses.
If you have adjustments involving any of the pre-
viously described expenses, attach an explanation
and show the adjustment as “Other Expenses” on
Federal Schedule C or F.
The net profit or (loss) from business, as shown
on Federal Schedule C-EZ or C after above ad just-
ments (if applicable), should be entered on Part I,
line 4. The net profit or (loss) from all operations
within and without Alabama, as shown on Federal
Schedule C, after above adjustments (if applicable),
should be entered on Part I, line 4, Column B. The
net profit or (loss) from operations in Alabama should
be entered in Column C.
Line 5
Gain or (Loss) from Sale of
Real Estate, Stocks, Bonds, Etc.
If you sold real estate, stocks, bonds, or other as-
sets in 2019 the net gain or (loss) should be entered
in column B. The net gain or (loss) from the sale of
property located in Alabama should also be entered
in Column C.
If you sold your personal residence, any gain re-
alized is taxable to the same extent as reported on
your federal return.
Please see the instructions for Schedule D for
further information.
Line 6
Rents, Royalties, Partnerships,
Estates, Trusts, S Corporations
You must complete and attach Schedule E if
you received income in 2019 from any of these
sources. The instructions for completing Schedule E
are on page 21 of this booklet.
Line 7
Farm Income or (Loss)
If you operated a farm during the year, you must
attach Federal Schedule F to your return.
Alabama law differs from Federal law in the treat-
ment of some of the expenses shown on Federal
Schedule F. These differences are discussed in the
instructions for line 4, Part I. If any of these adjust-
ments apply to your return, you should show the ad-
ditional amounts as “Other Expenses” on Federal
Schedule F.
The net profit or (loss) from farm operations,
within and without Alabama, should be entered on
Federal Income Tax Deduction Worksheet
1 Enter the tax as shown on line 14 on Form 1040/Form 1040-SR, line 53 on Form 1040NR, or line 15 of Form 1040NR-EZ .... 1
2 Net Investment Income Tax. Enter amount from line 17, Form 8960 .................................................. 2
3 Federal Tax. Add lines 1 and 2................................................................................. 3
4 a Earned Income Credit (EIC).
Enter the amount from line 18a of Form 1040/Form 1040-SR .......................
b Additional Child Tax Credit. Enter the amount from line 18b of Form 1040/
Form 1040-SR, or line 64 of Form 1040NR ......................................
c American Opportunity Credit.
Enter the amount from line 18c of Form 1040/Form 1040-SR .......................
d Credits from Forms 2439. Enter the amount from Schedule 3, line 13 of Form 1040/
Form 1040-SR if 13a is checked, or line 69 of Form1040NR if 69a is checked .........
5 Add lines 4a, b, c and d ...................................................................................... 5
6 Subtract line 5 from line 3 and enter amount on line 12 of Form 40, line 9 of Form 40A or
page 2, Part IV, line 4 of Form 40NR. If amount is negative enter zero ..............................................