Send documents electronically: 1. Visit studentaid.alberta.ca 2. Sign in to your account 3. Submit securely using Upload Electronic Document(s)
Or mail to: Alberta Student Aid PO Box 28000 Stn Main Edm AB T5J 4R4
Schedule 3 Last revised June 2019
Schedule 3Concurrent Enrolment 2019/2020
Exchange/Field Study Programs
Note: Your home institution is where tuition costs are paid and is also listed in the Full-time Studies Information section on Page 2
of this application.
Attach a letter of conrmation from your home institution or an acceptance letter from the host institution. Your letter should conrm
the actual start and end dates of your Exchange or Field Study Program and list your costs for Tuition, Mandatory Fees, and Books.
To verify full-time status, you must attach documents from your primary and additional institutions stating:
• Course Name(s)
• Course Weight(s)/Credit(s)
• Session Start and End Dates
• Course Costs
Concurrent Enrolment means you are simultaneously attending more than one school on a part-time basis
(less than 60% of a full-time course load at each education institution).
• If you are concurrently enrolled, enter your primary educational institution on Page 2 of this application
(Full-time Studies Information section)
• You must choose one of the institutions as your “primary institution”. Your primary institution will be responsible for conrming
your registration.
• Your course(s) at each school will be reviewed to determine whether you can be considered a full-time student for student
aid purposes.
What is your airfare cost (if applicable)?
Advanced Education is collecting this personal information under the authority of sections 33(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) (“FOIP”) to determine and verify your eligibility for nancial assistance, to administer (including research,
statistical analysis, and evaluations) and to enforce student nancial assistance programs in accordance with the Student Financial Assistance
Act (Alberta), the Canada Student Loans Act and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, each as may be amended from time to time.
The use and disclosure of your personal information is managed in accordance with FOIP. If you have any questions about the collection,
use or disclosure of this information, call the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre toll free at 1-855-606-2096 from anywhere in North America.
You can also mail your questions to Alberta Student Aid, Privacy Ofcer, PO Box 28000 Stn Main, Edmonton AB T5J 4R4.
To complete a fillable form: 1. Save to your desktop. 2. Complete form. 3. Save nal. Check, then submit. Never complete in a browser.
19/20 S3
Part 1: Concurrent Enrolment (see Funding Guide, p.24 #8)
Part 2: Exchange/Field Study Students Only
Enter your primary institution:
Enter your additional institution(s):
Enter your home educational institution:
Applicant’s Last Name Initials
Social Insurance Number