Spouse/Partner Declaration - To be completed by Applicant’s spouse/partner
Schedule 2 Last revised June 2019
Schedule 2Spouse/Partner Information 2019/2020
Applicants who are Married or Common Law
Advanced Education is collecting this personal information under the authority of sections 33(a) and (c) of the Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act (Alberta) (“FOIP”) to determine and verify the Applicant’s eligibility for nancial assistance, to administer
(including research, statistical analysis, and evaluations) and to enforce student nancial assistance programs in accordance with the
Student Financial Assistance Act (Alberta), the Canada Student Loans Act and the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, each as
may be amended from time to time. The use and disclosure of your personal information is managed in accordance with FOIP.
The personal information may be disclosed to:
• federal, provincial or territorial government departments or agencies to verify any information the Applicant provided, determine
the eligibility of the Applicant for nancial assistance and to administer student nancial assistance programs.
• the federal government for use in research, statistical analysis and evaluations related to student nancial assistance programs.
• Alberta Community and Social Services and Alberta Labour to operate and administer provincial and federal student nancial
assistance programs, including your eligibility, and the eligibility of the Applicant, for nancial assistance.
• any municipal government department or agency, landlord, lending institution, credit bureau or employer to verify any information
the Applicant provided, to determine the eligibility of the Applicant for nancial assistance and to administer student nancial
assistance programs.
If you have any questions about the collection, use or disclosure of this information, call the Alberta Student Aid Service Centre toll free
at 1-855-606-2096 from anywhere in North America. You can also mail your questions to Alberta Student Aid, Privacy Ofcer, PO Box
28000 Stn Main, Edmonton AB T5J 4R4.
Spousal/Partner Declaration:
• I declare that the information given on this Schedule is true and complete.
For the purpose of verifying the data provided in this Application for student financial assistance, I hereby consent to the
release, by the Canada Revenue Agency to an ofcial of Alberta Advanced Education, of information from my income tax returns,
and, if applicable, other required taxpayer information about me, whether supplied by me or by a third party. The information is
necessary for and will be used solely for the purpose of determining and verifying the Applicant’s eligibility and entitlement for the
student nancial assistance programs under the Canada Student Loans Act, the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, and
the Student Financial Assistance Act (Alberta). The information will not be disclosed to any other person or organization without
my approval. This authorization is valid for the taxation year prior to the year of signature of this consent, the year of signature
of this consent and any other subsequent taxation year for which assistance is requested.
This consent may be revoked, in writing, by contacting Director, Student Services, Alberta Student Aid, Box 28000, Station Main,
Edmonton AB T5J 4R4
Signature of Spouse/Partner (must be original, handwritten signature) Today’s Date
Day Month Year
Send documents electronically
1. Visit studentaid.alberta.ca
2. Sign in to your account
3. Submit securely using Upload Electronic Document(s)
4. For assistance: eDoc Upload FAQs
Mailing Address
To complete a fillable form: 1. Save to your desktop. 2. Complete form. 3. Save nal. Check, then submit. Never complete in a browser.
Applicant’s Last Name Initials
Social Insurance Number