New York City Transit Bus Company Staten Island Railway
Release of Information Form – 49 CFR Part 40 Drug and Alcohol Testing
Social Security No. _____________________________________
Name _______________________________________
Please CLEARLY print the name and a
ddress of the employer and sign the information release statement.
(Telephone #)
Employer Name ________________________________________
Employer Address ____________________________________________
Designated Employer Representative (if known)
I hereby grant the D
OT regulated employer identified above, permission to release drug and alcohol testing information related to DOT covered drug and
alcohol testing program to MTA New York City Transit for any part of the two year period to the date of this letter. This includes questions one through
five as stated below. I understand that continued employment is contingent on the findings of the USDOT employer verification and further understand
that I will not be hired to perform safety sensitive functions if I refuse to sign below. I understand any misrepresentation may result in a denial of my
employment application, or, if currently an employee, appropriate disciplinary action.
X ___________________________________________ _____________________
Applicant Signature
Dear Employer:
It is NYC Transit's un
derstanding that you are a DOT regulated employer and that the above applicant has/had been employed or has applied to be
employed by you during the past two years.
MTA New York City Transit for employment in a position covered by the U.S Department of Transportation as safety sensitive. Safety sensitive
functions include, but are not limited to: operation of revenue service vehicles including when not in revenue service; operation of non-revenue service
vehicles that require drivers to hold CDLs; dispatch or control revenue service vehicles; maintain revenue service vehicles or equipment used in revenue
service except for contractors to section 18 transit agencies; and provide security and carry firearm. In accordance with the provisions of federal law, 49
CFR Part 40, Section 40.25, we are requesting that you answer the questions below regarding DOT regulated drug and alcohol testing covering any
period during two years prior to the date of this letter. Above please find a signed release granting consent for you to provide the information by the
above applicant.
1. Did the employee have
alcohol tests with a result of 0.04 or higher? YES NO
2. Did the employee have verified positive drug tests? YES NO
3. Did the employee refus
e to be tested? YES NO
4. Did the employee have
violations of DOT agency drug and alcohol testing regulations? YES NO
5. Did a previous employer
report a drug and alcohol rule violation to you? YES NO
6. If you answered "y
es" to any of the above items, did the employee complete the return-to-duty process? YES NO N/A
X _______________________________________________ _____________________
Employer Signature Date
Print Name _____________________________________ Title _____________________________ Contact Number ________________________
Please mail or fax the
information back to:
MTA New York City Transit
Occupational Health Services, Drug Reporting Unit
180 Livingston Street, Room 4026
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Fax (347)643-8186
Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Revised 06/2020
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