Fill out the form with student's information and course validation information.
Submit payment for the examination to the Business Office for all necessary fees prior to
administering the exam.
Obtain the signatures of the major advisor, test examiner, department chair, and college dean after
the exam
has been administered with a
hen return the completed form to the College of Graduate Studies for approval.
e form of the examination, the method of administering it, and the time of examination are left to
the discretion of the college and academic units.
To receive credit, the student’s validation grade should be listed on the Course Validation form and
must be equivalent to at least a “B” (3.0).
Course Validation
The University sets time limits on students to ensure that they have reasonably current knowledge in
those courses that comprise the graduate program and for which a graduate degree is awarded.
When coursework taken at Tennessee Tech has expired according to the established time limits for
completing a graduate program, the academic unit may allow the student to validate that
coursework by examination, subject to the following regulations.
Only students fully admitted to and enrolled in a graduate program and who are in good
standing are eligible.
The grade on the original course must be an "A" or "B".
Not more than 12 hours of total credits in a master’s program may be validated. Not more than
one-third of
the total credits in a doctoral degree program may be validated.
• Only courses with fixed content are eligible for validation. (Independent study, research, and
workshops are ineligible.)
Only courses comparable to those still being taught are eligible for validation.