Title of Sponsored Project/Activity ___________________________________________________
Proposal/Award Number ___________________________________________________
Principal Investigator(s)/Dept and School/College ___________________________________________________
Sponsor ___________________________________________________
PART I: AGREEMENT REVIEW (To be completed by Office of Research (OR) Personnel)
Does the Agreement contain any clause that:
a. references U.S. export regulations? Yes No
b. restricts non-U.S. entity participation based on country of origin? Yes No
c. prohibits access by non-U.S. citizens to project information? Yes No
d. prohibits the hiring of non-U.S. persons? Yes No
e. restricts the disclosure of proprietary/confidential information? Yes No
f. grants the Sponsor a right to prepublication review and approval for matters other than Yes No
the inclusion of patent and/or proprietary sponsor information?
g. allows the Sponsor to claim resulting information as proprietary or trade secret? Yes No
h. addresses security concerns? (If yes, is educational alternative in place?) Yes No
i. do any of the project personnel have Material Transfer Agreements or Non-Disclosure
Agreements assigned to them that could involve technologies used in the conduct of this project? Yes No
Completed by ___________________________________________ _______________________
OR Administrator Date
If you have any questions, contact the Office of Research at (931) 372-3673 or email:
PART II: TECHNICAL REVIEW (To be completed by Principal Investigator and returned to the TTU OR, Box 5164,
Foundation Hall, 242 E. 10th St., Cookeville, TN 38505)
TO ALL PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS: It has been determined that the sponsored agreement for the project/activity identified above may contain
provisions that require compliance with export control laws and regulations that are issued by the Department of Commerce and/or State. A final
determination of the applicability of those regulations to this particular project/activity depends on whether the research falls within a category of technology
the government has determined raises particular issues of national security or economic interest. As the PI for the project/activity, you are the person most
qualified to decide if your research falls within covered areas.
PROCEDURES: You must review descriptions/definitions of technologies that are controlled by the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22
CFR Section 121.I, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR Section 774, Supp. 1 (categories
0-9), and decide if the technology involved in this particular project/activity falls within one or more of those categories. Links to the regulations as well as
information on export control laws and how they may affect University activities can be found at the Office of Research website at
A. I have reviewed the relevant EAR and ITAR regulations and determined that the contract/agreement for the above referenced project:
(Select the appropriate response):
1. Does not involve technologies, including the use of equipment, encrypted software, listed-controlled chemicals
and/or bioagent/toxins, that are controlled by either the EAR or the ITAR, and is “EAR 99” or the Fundamental
Research Exemption applies;
2. Does involve technologies that are covered by either EAR or ITAR;
3. Export license requested
B. If box 1 is checked, sign below and return this form to TTU OR.
C. If box 2 is checked, read the TTU Export-Control information documents found on the Office of Research website (
compliance/export-control-and-trade-sanctions/#procedures), and sign below indicating you have read and understand the information. You must also
determine if a Technology/Export Control Plan (T/ECP) or an export license is required for this activity. Check the appropriate box below and return
this form with your signature to the TTU Office of Research (Foundation Hall 306) for routing. NOTE: If a license is required, no foreign nationals
may begin work on the activity’s controlled technology until the export license and Technology/Export Control Plan (T/ECP) is in place.
D. If it has been determined that a T/ECP is required, an ECP must be in place. In addition, the PI must ensure that all project personnel read the TTU
Export-Control information documents, sign the T/ECP Assurance, and complete the training module found on the TTU Research Office website at: Return the signed T/ECP Assurance to TTU OR, Box 5164, Foundation Hall, 242 E. 10th St., Cookeville, TN 38505. A
copy of the signed T/ECP Assurance will be sent to the TTU Research Office, the PI and the PI’s Department. NOTE: Personnel added during the
course of the project/activity must read the Overview and sign the Assurance. Return procedures are same as above.
_________________________________________ _______________________
PI’s Signature Date
ECP Required
License required
ECP Not Required