Graduate Teaching Assistant Performance Evaluation
The evaluation should be performed each semester of the Graduate Assistant’s employment to
document the assessment of performance and progress of each Graduate Assistant. Completion of this
form constitutes a summary evaluation based upon prior lab/classroom visits, informal observations,
input from students and discussion with the Graduate Assistant and/or other evidence of performance.
Graduate Assistant’s Name:
Faculty Supervisor: Semester/
Faculty Supervisor Assessment: Rate the GA’s performance of functions for which he/she has been
Responsibilities/Performance Factors Low Acceptable High
Mastery of subject matter
Develops class syllabus
Prepares for class and other assignments
Lectures with supervision
Teaches Independently
Stimulates interest in the subject matter
Facilitates Learning
Grades papers, exercises, quizzes, and examinations
Constructs quizzes and examinations
Professional demeanor and appearance
Speaks fluently (English as a second language)
Maintains class records
Holds office hours
Overall assessment of Graduate Teaching Assistant's Performance
Additional Comments and Recommendations:
This evaluation has been
discussed with me and I am aware that I may respond to this assessment in
Student Signature: Date
Faculty Supervisor Signature:
*Only score the factors that apply.