'10 x Rotor Diameter' rule-of-thumb
Some governments have issued guidance suggesting that shadow flicker effect occurs only
within 10 rotor diameters from the turbine position, and the impact is not considered
significant beyond this distance.
Q4: Do you consider the '10 x Rotor Diameter' rule an appropriate assessment area for
shadow flicker reports?
Q5: Would an alternative calculation method for the assessment area be preferable to
the '10 x Rotor Diameter' rule?
Shadow Flicker Effect outside properties
Some governmens have issued guidance suggesting that shadow flicker effect occurs only
within buildings where the flicker appears through a narrow window opening.
Q6: Should shadow flicker assessments be limited to the interior of residential buildings?
Q7: If 'No', should the following receptors be included in shadow flicker assessments?
Road users
Footpath users
Bridleway users
Non-residential properties (eg. offices, warehouses, etc)
Other receptors -
please specify in 'Other'
Quantitative Guidance
In recent years, regulations have emerged in other countries proposing a quantitative
approach to assessing shadow flicker. This approach sets a limit on the duration that a
receptor can be exposed to shadow flicker effects.
Q9: What is your opinion on the value of adopting quantitative guidance on shadow
flicker effect?
Please continue to next page...
Please comment
Q10: Please include any other comments relating to amendments / omissions / additions
to current guidance below.
Please comment
Q8: Please elaborate on your reason(s) for including additional receptors in shadow
flicker assessments.
Please elaborate
Link to: 'Practice Guidance: Planning Implications of Renewable and Low Carbon Energy'
shadow flicker text