Link to: 'Planning Advice Note 45 (PAN45) shadow flicker text
'10 x Rotor Diameter' rule-of-thumb
PAN 45 states:
"In most cases however, where separation is provided between wind turbines and nearby
dwellings (as a general rule 10 rotor diameters), "shadow flicker" should not be a problem."
Q4: Do you consider the '10 x Rotor Diameter' rule an appropriate assessment area for
shadow flicker reports?
Q5: Would an alternative calculation method for the assessment area be preferable to
the '10 x Rotor Diameter' rule?
Shadow Flicker Effect outside properties
PAN45 states:
"[Shadow Flicker Effect] occurs only within buildings where the flicker appears through a
narrow window opening."
Q6: Should shadow flicker assessments be limited to the interior of residential buildings?
Q7: If 'No', should the following receptors be included in shadow flicker assessments?
Road users
Footpath users
Bridleway users
Non-residential properties (eg. offices, warehouses, etc)
Other receptors -
please specify in 'Other'
Quantitative Guidance
In recent years, regulations have emerged in other countries proposing a quantitative
approach to assessing shadow flicker. This approach sets a limit on the duration that a
receptor can be exposed to shadow flicker effects.
Q9: What is your opinion on the value of adopting quantitative guidance on shadow
flicker effect?
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Please comment
Q10: Please include any other comments relating to amendments / omissions / additions
to current guidance below.
Please comment
Q8: Please elaborate on your reason(s) for including additional receptors in shadow
flicker assessments.
Please elaborate