All information provided in this questionnaire will be treated as strictly confidential and
will not be passed to any third parties. Analysis based on the information provided will be
referred to in generic trends, and no site-specific or company-specific details will be
The closing date for questionnaire submissions is:
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Please complete any sections of this questionnaire that are relevant to your area of
expertise or experience.
Authority Name
Position / Job Title
Email Address
Telephone Number
Postal Address
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Q1: Does your department / authority offer pre-planning advice to developers of onshore
wind energy developments?
Q2: If 'Yes', does the pre-planning advice include reference to shadow flicker effect?
Q3: If 'Yes', does the pre-planning advice offer guidance on how a developer should assess
the shadow flicker effect?
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Link to: 'Planning Advice Note 45 (PAN45) shadow flicker text
'10 x Rotor Diameter' rule-of-thumb
PAN 45 states:
"In most cases however, where separation is provided between wind turbines and nearby
dwellings (as a general rule 10 rotor diameters), "shadow flicker" should not be a problem."
Q4: Do you consider the '10 x Rotor Diameter' rule an appropriate assessment area for
shadow flicker reports?
Q5: Would an alternative calculation method for the assessment area be preferable to
the '10 x Rotor Diameter' rule?
Shadow Flicker Effect outside properties
PAN45 states:
"[Shadow Flicker Effect] occurs only within buildings where the flicker appears through a
narrow window opening."
Q6: Should shadow flicker assessments be limited to the interior of residential buildings?
Q7: If 'No', should the following receptors be included in shadow flicker assessments?
Road users
Footpath users
Bridleway users
Non-residential properties (eg. offices, warehouses, etc)
Other receptors -
please specify in 'Other'
Quantitative Guidance
In recent years, regulations have emerged in other countries proposing a quantitative
approach to assessing shadow flicker. This approach sets a limit on the duration that a
receptor can be exposed to shadow flicker effects.
Q9: What is your opinion on the value of adopting quantitative guidance on shadow
flicker effect?
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Please comment
Q10: Please include any other comments relating to amendments / omissions / additions
to current guidance below.
Please comment
Q8: Please elaborate on your reason(s) for including additional receptors in shadow
flicker assessments.
Please elaborate
'Worst Case Scenario'
The 'Worst Case Scenario' assumes:
Continuous sunshine during daylight hours;
- Continually rotating turbine blades;
No vegetation or other obstacles are screening the receptor;
The wind turbine rotor plane is always perpendicular to the receptor and sun.
Q11: Should shadow flicker assessments adhere to the 'Worst Case Scenario' detailed
Q12: If 'No', please specify how they should differ and your reason for proposing an
alternative approach.
Please specify
Q13: Should field data or site-specific environmental data (eg. meteorological data,
screening effects, etc) be included in shadow flicker assessment models?
Q14: If 'Yes', please elaborate below:
Please elaborate
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Q15: When considering a planning application, what mitigation strategies for predicted
shadow flicker effects do you consider appropriate?
Careful site design to minimise / eliminate impact
Turbine shut-down strategy
Installation of blinds
Landscaping / vegetation screening
Other - please specify in 'Other'
Q16: Has your department / authority had any involvement in assigning a planning
condition relating to shadow flicker to a consent for an onshore wind energy
Q17: If 'Yes', please provide as much detail as possible about the planning condition
Please comment
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As with all information provided in this questionnaire, data collected in the following section will be treated as
strictly confidential. Analysis based on the information provided will be referred to in generic trends, and no
site-specific or company-specific details will be published.
Q18: Have you received (or are you aware of) any complaints raised in relation to shadow
flicker effect at any operational wind energy developments within your planning area?
Q19: If 'Yes', please provide: details of the project(s); details of the complaint(s); the
circumstances triggering the complaint; and details of how the complaint was resolved
(if applicable).
Please comment
Q20: What mitigation strategies for shadow flicker effects have been implemented on
operational wind energy developments within your planning area?
Careful site design to minimise / eliminate impact
Turbine shut-down strategy
Installation of blinds
Landscaping / vegetation screening
Other - please specify in 'Other'
Q21: How successful have these mitigation strategies been in practice? Please provide as
much detail as possible in the text box below.
Please comment
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Thank you for completing this form. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
If you have any additional comments, please include them in the text box below:
Please comment
Q22: Would you be happy for a representative to contact you to discuss elements of this
questionnaire further?
Q23: What is your preferred method of contact?
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Option 4 -If the above options fail, please email us at , explain the
problem and we will resolve the issue as soon as possible.
End of form.