Note: Applications are accepted and considered based on eligiability, order of arrival, and availability of funds.
pplication for Diversity Fellowship
Tennessee Technological University
Name ____________________________________________ Student ID “T” No. ________________
Last First Middle
Address _________________________________________________ Phone _____________________
Street City State Zip
Email Address Date of Birth
Undergraduate Major
Major Area of Study ________________________________ Degree Sought______________________________
If awarded a fellowship, would you be able to carry out all necessary assignments and perform them in a safe manner?
Yes No If no, please explain __________________________________________________
Educational Background (Use additional sheets if necessary)
College or University Address Dates Attended Degree
Employment History: List any current and recent (last 3 years) full-time, part-time, or summer employment and
briefly describe your responsibilities. Also include the hours per week and the dates of employment (use
additional sheets if necessary).
Are you an employee of the State of Tennessee or of any county in Tennessee? Yes No
List any current and pending support for your education.
List three people whom we may contact concerning your qualifications for the position for which you are applying.
Name Occupation or Title Address Phone
On a separate page, explain why you are eligible and applying for the Diversity Fellowship (Refer to guidelines
posted at the link
Signature of Applicant____________________________________________________ Date _________________
Submit application to: College of Graduate Studies
Tennessee Technological University
P. O. Box 5012
Cookeville, TN 38505
Telephone: (931) 372-3233
Fax: (931) 372-3497
Updated: November 2014
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