August 06, 2019
Gall's LLC
1340 Russell Cave Rd.
Lexington, KY 40505
Terry Jones
Best Value Bid #1905-082
Fire Department Uniforms
The City of Frisco has awarded the above mentioned Best Value Bid to your agency as the
primary vendor. This is an annual contract, good for one (1) year from 08/06/2019 to 08/05/2020
with four (4) optional annual renewals. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and
emailing it to Steve Cone at
Name Date
Thank you for your interest in serving our needs. We look forward to a successful business
relationship. If you have any further questions, please contact the Purchasing Division at (972)
292 5542.
Steve Cone, CPPB
Senior Buyer
click to sign
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