If Faxing please ensure Employee’s Name and Personnel Number are included for each page of form
Name ____________________________ Personnel No._________________
HR 114b July 2014 Page 3 of 3 23/06/2015
Declaration under Section 51 of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and
Other Provisions) Act 2012
To be completed by persons availing of a Temporary Rehabilitation Remuneration as a
member of a Public Service Pension Scheme in Ireland with a commencement date on or
after July 28
Please indicate if any of the following apply
Yes No
1) Are you in receipt of any Retirement Benefit(s) or any Preserved
Pension / Lump Sum from any Irish Public Service Pension Scheme?
2) Are you entitled to receive any Retirement Benefit(s) or any Preserved Yes No
Pension / Lump Sum from any Irish Public Service Pension Scheme?
If you have answered Yes to either (1) and/or (2) above, please complete details hereunder and
furnish a copy of any supporting documentation which you have received from any previous Irish
Public Service employers.
Irish Public Service Pension Benefit in Payment / Preserved Public
Service Pension Benefit Entitlement
Description (Benefit Type) e.g.
Current/Preserved Occupational
Pension and/or Retirement Lump Sum
Annual Gross Pension Value €
Annual Preserved Pension Value €
Number of Years of Accrued
Pensionable Service
Paying Authority
I hereby declare that the information provided above is complete and correct.
Signed: ___________________________ Name: _____________________________
(Block Capitals)
PPS No:*__________________________ Date: ______________________________
*If you have more than one PPS Number, please provide all of your PPS Numbers.