Additional instructions for completing the form
“Request for Extension of Time to Earn the Eagle Scout Rank.”
1. The Scout should continue to work on advancement throughout the extension request process.
2. All documentation must be dated and include the name of the author.
3. The importance of reading Guide to Advancement topics and cannot be understated.
4. The “petitioner” is the person submitting the request.
5. The preferred phone number is the one that will be used to contact the petitioner or the unit
leader. Alternative phone numbers may be entered in the space below the preferred phone.
6. Note that a Scoutmaster conference should not be a reason for a longer extension. See Guide to
Advancement, “Unit Leader (Scoutmaster) Conference,”
7. The three tests covered in “Time Extensions,” appear below.
Test #1:
The member joined or rejoined (or became active again after a period of inactivity, or became refocused on
advancement after a period of inattention) in time to complete all requirements before turning 18.
Test #2:
Through no fault or choice of the Scout, an unforeseen circumstance or life-changing event with severe
consequences has come to exist that now precludes completion of the requirements before the deadline.
Examples might include, but are not limited to, a hospital stay, disabling injury, significant personal or family
incident or issue, natural disaster, severe unseasonable weather, or the actions of others (see below,
“Misinformation from adults in positions of authority”). If the circumstance is health related, it should have
been unforeseen and of recent onset, or a complication or intensification of an ongoing issue.
Test #3:
The circumstance is beyond the control of the Scout, could not have been anticipated or planned for, and
did not or cannot be resolved in time to complete the requirements.
8. The length of the requested extension should be stated in the number months after the 18
birthday, not the number of months from the date the request is submitted.
9. Note that a month is a month regardless of how many days it has. It is not 30 days or four weeks.
For a more complete definition, see “Definition of a month” under
10. The number of months necessary to complete the remaining requirements determines the length
of an extension. For example, if after a hospital stay of six months, all a Scout has left to complete
is two months in a position of responsibility, two months could be granted.
11. The letter described under “Documentation to attach” is the petitioner’s opportunity to make the
case for an extension. To make the best case, it should be based on the three tests listed above.
12. Statements from people who know about what happened to cause the advancement delay are
helpful and should be attached. This might include a statement, for example, from an adult in a
position of authority who made an error in advising or instructing a Scout.
13. Extensions based on health issues require a health professional’s statement. The statement should
be accompanied by an explanation of how the issue leads to the need for an extension. For
example, if a doctor’s statement describes an injury, the petitioner must state how this caused the
delay in advancement.
14. Note that disabilities, including learning disabilities, may or may not be cause for an extension. For
details, see “Scouts with disabilities — extension or registration beyond the age of eligibility?”
under It is also helpful to read in Section 10, “Advancement for Members With
Special Needs.”
2021 revision