Name of Club
What sport does your
club play?
Website Address (if
Contact Name
Contact Email Address
Contact Phone Number
1. Club Information
No. of Teams
Adult male (18+ yrs)
Adult female (18+ yrs)
Youth/Junior male (10-17 yrs)
Youth/Junior female (10-17 yrs)
Minis (to 9 yrs)
2. How many teams does your club run by age group and gender (current or most recent playing
Adult male (18+ yrs)
Adult female (18+ yrs)
Youth/Junior male (10-17 yrs)
Youth/Junior female (10-17 yrs)
Minis (to 9 yrs)
3. How many active/playing members are there in your club (current or most recent playing season)?
4. Where is your club based/play its home games? Please provide site names and postcodes for your
main site and other sites.
Sat AM Sat PM Sun AM Sun PM Weekday Weekday eve
Other comments
5. When does your club play sport (peak times)?
If leasehold, please indicate approximately how many years remain on the current lease.
6. Please indicate what security of access your club has to the sports facilities it uses?
Seasonal Hire
Weekly Hire
Please provide the site names and postcodes of other sites where your club (or teams) train.
7. Where does your club (or teams) train?
Main site (as Q4)
Other sites (please provide further information below)
Not applicable
8. Please describe the sports facilities used by your club (i.e. the number of playing
pitches/courts/rinks/etc. by size and type as relevant to your sport). Please provide information for your
main site and other sites.
Please indicate the extent of this change (number of teams/members) and the main reasons.
9. Does your club have more or fewer teams / active members than three seasons ago, or has the
number of teams / active members stayed about the same?
More teams / active members
Fewer teams / active members
About the same
If yes, please explain your club's development plans and where the new teams / players will play and train.
10. Does your club have plans to grow in the next three seasons?
11. How do you rate the quality of your club's main playing facilities? (1 being poor, 5 being very good)
If yes, please describe the changes needed and state whether there are any plans in place and if any funding is identified.
12. Is there a need to change your club's main playing facilities (e.g. relocate to another site /change
facility layouts/ sizes) or to improve the quality to sustain or grow your club?
13. How do you rate the quality of the changing facilities/pavilion at your club's main site? (1 being poor,
5 being very good).
14. Is there a need to improve/extend these facilities to sustain or grow your club?
If yes, please describe the changes needed and state whether there are any plans in place and if any funding is identified.
15. Finally, please provide any additional comments or information about your club and its facility needs
and priorities in the box below.
When you have completed your responses, click on the word DONE below to submit your completed