HR EMP APP 3/2015
I hereby affirm that the information provided on this employment application form and my resume is true
and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand and agree that falsified information or omissions
may result in termination from employment if discovered after my employment has begun. I hereby
authorize the Pechanga Tribal Government (hereinafter referred to as the “Tribe”) to substantiate and verify
my past employment, previous salary history, credentials, and any of the information associated with my
qualifications. I also authorize my previous schools, employers, and listed references to release to the Tribe
any relevant information that may reasonably be requested in connection with my employment. I agree that
the Tribe and my previous employers, schools and references shall not be held liable if an employment offer
is not tendered, is withdrawn, or employment is terminated due to any false information I provided or
information I failed to provide.
I understand that any employment offer I might receive is contingent upon my passing both a drug and
alcohol test and background screening. I consent to any testing necessary to determine the presence and/or
level of drugs and alcohol in my body other than drugs prescribed by a physician.
I understand that as a condition of employment in a Director/Manager role or a position in the Finance
department, a Consumer Credit Report may be applicable as part of the background screening process.
I understand that as a condition of employment in positions working directly with children or where children
may be present, additional background screening which may include extensive and specialized screening
will be required.
I understand that no statement in this form, related policies, or any offer of employment may be construed
as an employment contract.
I understand that employment with the Pechanga Tribal Government is at-will and for no definite period.
The employment relationship may be terminated at any time by the employee or the Tribal Government for
any or no reason and with or without notice.
I understand that the Pechanga Tribal Government is a drug-free workplace. All employees must pass pre-
employment and other mandatory drug testing pursuant to The Pechanga Tribal Government Employee
Policy and Procedures Manual, Drug Free Workplace Policy.
I understand that my application for employment will be placed in an active status for a period of one (1)
year during which time it will be reviewed as job openings occur in my area(s) of job interest. I understand
that the Tribe may or may not contact me on the status of my application based on my qualifications and
available openings and I should assume that my application has been reviewed. I further understand that if
I wish my application to remain active for a period longer than one (1) year, I must complete a new
I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application. I understand that misrepresentation or omission
of facts called for is cause for dismissal. Further, I understand and agree that my employment is for no definite period
and may, at the discretion of the employer be terminated at any time and for any reason without any previous notice.
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