Motion by Commissioner Paul Beachnau, to add Fund 282-Airport Special Events and to
approve the associated budget amendment as presented. Ayes: Unanimous.
Motion carried. (see attached)
Motion by Commissioner Paul Beachnau, to approve the purchase of parcel identification
number 69-080-028-400-045-09 at a cost of $54,600 to be paid out of the Animal Control
Building Fund (Fund 413) and to authorize the creation of construction plans for a new Animal
Control Facility at the site. Ayes: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Mike Hyde, to increase the Head Start Bus contract by 4% to a total of
$48,425.52 as presented. Ayes: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Erma Backenstose, to approve the Otsego County Capital
Improvement Plan 2011-2016 as presented. Ayes: Unanimous. Motion carried. (see attached)
Chairman Ken Glasser received correspondence from NEMCOG regarding grants.
Rachel Frisch presented the June 2010 and July 2010 budget reports.
Public hearing for the Elmer’s Redevelopment Brownfield Plan Amendment was closed.
Motion by Commissioner Paul Liss, to adopt Resolution OCR 10-34 approving the Brownfield
Plan amendment for the Elmer’s Gaylord Redevelopment.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bates, Beachnau, Liss, Backenstose, Glasser, Johnson, Hyde, Brown.
Nays: None.
Absent: Harkness.
Motion carried/Resolution adopted. (see attached)
New Business:
Motion by Commissioner Clark Bates, to approve the August 17, 2010 Warrant in the amount of
$219,694.95 as presented. Ayes: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Bruce Brown, to approve the August 24, 2010 Warrant in the amount
of $193,922.68 as presented. Ayes: Unanimous. Motion carried.
Motion by Commissioner Doug Johnson, to adopt Resolution OCR 10-35 in support of Michigan
House Bill 5985.
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bates, Beachnau, Liss, Backenstose, Glasser, Johnson, Hyde, Brown.
Nays: None.
Absent: Harkness.
Motion carried/Resolution adopted. (see attached)
Motion by Commissioner Doug Johnson, to adopt Resolution OCR 10-36 honoring Ralph
Roll Call Vote:
Ayes: Bates, Beachnau, Liss, Backenstose, Glasser, Johnson, Hyde, Brown.
Nays: None.
Absent: Harkness.
Motion carried/Resolution adopted. (see attached)
Board Remarks:
Commissioner Doug Johnson: Michigan Sheriff’s Association.
Critical Incident Management
Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m. at the call of the Chair.
Kenneth R. Glasser, Chairman
Susan I. DeFeyter, Otsego County Clerk
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