I:\Building\SafetyPoliciesInformation\2017\Website\COMMERCIAL CL03 COMMERCIAL ROOFING.pdf
Purpose: To establish submittal guidelines for commercial roofing permit applications and procedures for reviewing roof
permit applications, issuing roof permits and inspecting roof permits.
Scope: All commercial roofing requiring a permit.
REQUIRED: One electronic copy of each of the following items must be included with this submittal.
1. P
rovide a full written scope of the project.
2. Provide shop drawings and a section view of new roofing system, including structural components of the existing roof.
3. Provide the listing (UL, FM, etc.) of each specific manufacturer’s product being installed.
4. Provide the flame spread documentation for any foam products being installed.
5. Provide the thickness of all products being installed.
6. Provide the fire tested assembly number designation. (U.L., Factory Mutual, ICC or other)
7. Roof systems shall be designed for wind loads in accordance with the 2015 MSBC Chapter 16 & Sections 1504.2,1504.3
& 1504.4 for the appropriate category of building. Edge securement shall comply with Section 1504.5 and ANSI/SPRI ES-1.
Provide documentation.
8. Provide any documentation from a Minnesota registered structural engineer.
9. Provide a copy of the manufacturer’s installation instructions for only the specific system being used.
1. Are all the existing roofing materials being removed to the structural deck? Yes No
2. How many square feet is the existing roof? _______ How many square feet are being replaced? ________
3. What is the current type of roofing system? Built-up Membrane Other
4. What type of roofing system is proposed? Built-up Membrane Other
5. Will the new roofing materials reduce or increase the current dead load?
Increase Reduce No Change
6. If loading is to be increased, a structural engineer must review and approve the additional loads.
Engineer’s report attached? Yes No Not applicable
7. Are any new drainage devices being added or altered as part of the re-roof? Yes No
8. Per International Building Code Section 1505, what class designation is the new roof system?
A B C Non-classified
9. What overall R-value will the new roof produce? _________________
11. Per International Building Code Sections 2603.4, 2603.4.1, and 2603.10 will a thermal barrier
be required as part of the re-roofing project? Yes No
12. Will any electrical, plumbing, gas or mechanical items on the existing roof need to be disconnected
and reconnected as part of the re-roof? Yes No
13. Has the Fire Dept approved the heat kettle location on a hot roof before permit is issuance? Yes No NA
14. Are any mechanical, electrical, gas or plumbing items being replaced in conjunction with the re-roof? Yes No
Commercial Roofing
2015 MSBC Chapter 15
code reference
Inspections Department
SP-Com. Rf.
policy number
effective date