AMDT-STK-NA Instructions (REV 12/2020) 2020 California Secretary of State
If you are not completing this form online, please type or legibly print in black or blue ink. Complete the
Certificate of Amendment of Articles of Incorporation (Form AMDT-STK-NC) as follows:
Item Instruction Tips
Enter the name of the corporation
exactly as it currently appears of
record with the California Secretary
of State, including the entity ending,
if any (ex: “ABC Corporation” or
“Smith Construction Company”).
Enter the name of the corporation before the name
change. That is the name currently of record with the
California Secretary of State.
2. Enter the 7-digit corporate Entity
Number issued to the corporation by
the California Secretary of State.
• The 7-digit corporate Entity (File) Number is provided by
the California Secretary of State on the corporation’s
les of Incorporation filed with the California
Secretary of State.
• To ensure you have the correct entity number and exact
name of the corporation, look to the Articles of
Incorporation filed with the California Secretary of State
and any name change amendments.
• Secretary of State Records can be accessed online
through our Business Search at
BusinessSearch.sos.ca.gov. While using the Business
Search, be sure to identify your corporation correctly
including the jurisdiction that matches your corporation.
Active corporations, inactive corporations and
corporations from foreign jurisdictions registered with
our office may have the same or similar name.
• Enter the specific provision being
amended by the number, letter,
other designation assigned to the
provision in the Articles of
Incorporation being amended
(i.e.,”1”, “I”, “FIRST” or “One”).
• Enter the proposed new
corporation name.
• If the article provision being amended was not
assigned a designation, this form may not be used. You
must compose a Certificate of Amendment that meets
the statutory requirements of Sections 173, 193 and
• For general corporate name requirements and
restrictions or for information on reserving a corporation
name prior to submitting Form AMDT-STK-NA, go to
• A name reservation is not required to submit Form
• A preliminary search of corporation names already of
record can be made online through our Business
Search at BusinessSearch.sos.ca.gov. Please note:
The Business Search is not intended to serve as a
name availability search. For information on checking
or reserving a name, refer to the name availability link
This statement is required. Do not
• This certificate must be approved by at least a majority
of the corporation’s directors.
4b. Check the box next to the applicable
statement. Only one box may be
checked. If the first box is checked,
• If the first box is checked, the amendment must be
approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the
outstanding shares or such greater proportion as may