04042018_RGP_Employer Support Requirements v3.pdf Page 1 of 3
This Information Sheet provides an overview of the James Cook University (JCU) Rural Generalist Program
(RGP) for allied health professionals and provides details of organisational support requirements for
participants being admitted to the RGP.
Program overview
A ‘rural generalist’ health professional delivers a broad range of healthcare services to meet the needs of a
rural or remote community. Rural generalists usually provide care across the lifespan, work in different
healthcare settings, and in geographically dispersed and culturally diverse communities. Rural generalists aim
to deliver high quality, safe, effective and efficient services as close to the consumer’s community as possible.
James Cook University in collaboration with QUT and the Allied Health Professions’ Office of Queensland has
developed the Rural Generalist Program (RGP) for seven professions: occupational therapy, nutrition and
dietetics, physiotherapy, medical imaging, pharmacy, podiatry and speech pathology.
The RGP is a work integrated learning pathway consisting of two domains: Rural Service Delivery and Rural
Generalist Practice. An overview of the structure of the RGP and module selection requirements can be
accessed via the JCU website.
Level 1 Rural Generalist Program (pathway)
The Level 1 RGP (pathway) requires completion of 12 modules. Each module is 6 weeks in duration and
requires 22 hours of study time. Participants who successfully complete 12 modules will be eligible to
receive a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate of Completion can be used as supporting documentation
in an application for 6 credit points of advanced standing on entry to the Level 2 RGP course.
How to Apply
Participants apply through the JCU online application portal which can be accessed on the RGP website:
. Participants must attach a completed RGP Authority Form and relevant academic
transcript to their application. Successful applicants will receive an offer letter. Once participants accept their
offer and are admitted to the program, a JCU staff member will liaise with the participant to process their
individual module enrolments.
The fee for each module in the Level 1 RGP is $650 (GST excl). Multiple payment options are available and
participants are required to complete the RGP Authority Form to indicate payment method. This form must be
attached to the participant’s application through the JCU online application portal. Modules can be paid for
one at a time. Payment method may be changed at any point through notification to dthm.aqs@jcu.edu.au
Refer to the Fees and Admission Dates menu on the RGP website for further information.
In addition to module enrolment fees, the participant or employers may also incur costs for attending
suggested training courses that are available outside the RGP, purchasing study materials and resources, and
for telecommunications and data costs associated with the online learning study mode. The Level 1 RGP has
no mandatory travel requirements to attend face-to-face teaching at JCU.
Duration and study schedule
The Level 1 RGP is self-paced. It is currently planned to offer each module three times per year, though this
may be varied due to demand. Participants can apply to be admitted to the RGP as indicated on the JCU RGP
website: www.jcu.edu.au/rgp
. It is possible to complete the program in approximately 12 months by studying
multiple modules simultaneously. The maximum allowed duration of enrolment is 24 months. Module study
planners can be accessed under the Resources tab on the JCU RGP website:
Employer Support Requirements
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